Mexico Strikes Deal with Biden Administration Post Title 42 Expiration

As we near the end of title 4 Mexico Has agreed to give America a break Yes You heard that right this Biden Administration managed to successfully Negotiate with a country without leading To more of a disaster The Landmark Agreement forged just a week before Chaos is set to unfold on our borders if You want to keep up with the latest on Title 4 stories tap subscribe below and Enable your notifications In a move that will have far-reaching Implications for the United States Immigration policy The Mexican Government has announced that it will Continue to take Cuban Haitian Nicaraguan and Venezuelan migrants who Are rejected from the U.S border when Title 4 expires next week this Agreement comes just nine days before The end of the federal pandemic era Policy which allows the U.S border Patrol to expel migrants to Mexico Without hearing their claims the Mexican Government's decision to continue Accepting migrants from Cuba Haiti Nicaragua and Venezuela is a significant Development that will have significant Consequences for the U.S immigration System the move comes as title 4 which Is a pandemic era policy that allows the U.S border Patrol to expel migrants to Mexico without hearing their claims is Set to expire next week CBS reported on

How El Paso is bracing for the expected Surge watch Franco joins us now Omar tell us what More you're seeing at the border Shelters and hearing from shelter Officials Well John they're saying that they've Noticed in the last two weeks a Noticeable surge uh and you can see it Behind me here it's women children and And men too it's families that are Coming over here uh and one of the Father Flores was telling us here runs The shelter and after December he was Maybe seeing 50 to 60 you know people it Dwindled down a little bit but now the Numbers are picking up and they're Picking up significantly and this is Before title 4 goes away so he tells me That there's only so much that they can Do they're bracing for a big influx of Migrants coming in here being let in as Part of the process making their claims For Asylum now they also are welcoming The 1500 troops that the Pentagon is Going to send down here to the southern Border next week and city leaders are Saying that would be a good idea because Then that way they could do free up some Border patrol agents to deal with the Expected surge but what we're seeing Here is everybody who we've talked to Here on the ground is basically saying The this is now the Baseline it's gonna

Get worse from here Omar it's only going To get worse The packed Forge with America's Southern Neighbor would give the U.S a powerful Tool to deter Asylum Seekers from those Countries from crossing the border Illegally with the threat that they Would be returned South of the Border When title 4 ends the U.S could see as Many as 1 000 migrants across the International boundary a day that's According to Texas governor Greg Abbott It's unclear what will happen after 30 Thousand migrants have been sent back to Mexico in a month if more continue to Cross over into the U.S Many Asylum Seekers who have been Waiting in Mexico for weeks or months Have already started to trickle into the U.S overwhelming border cities from San Diego California on the west coast to Brownsville Texas the most easterly Point of the Southern border with Mexico This influx has prompted Biden to send 1500 active duty soldiers to the border To assist Federal immigration agents the Mexican government's announcement that It will continue to accept migrants Rejected at the U.S border when title 4 Expires next week is a great win and any Help we can get is much appreciated However we all know this could have been Avoided let's continue the conversation In the comments below for the next News

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