Media Betrays Biden as WSJ Warns of ‘Historic Mistake’ in Reelection Campaign

Is Joe Biden's reelection campaign Really a historic mistake with the Latest polls suggest that the President's approval ratings are Plummeting leaving many wondering if He's made a grave political Miscalculation even CNN and Chuck Todd Can't ignore the downward Trend but That's not all the Wall Street journal's Editorial board is now suggesting that Trump could actually beat a potentially Senile Biden are we witnessing a Dramatic shift in the political Landscape could we see The Return of the Former president Donald Trump don't miss Out on the latest updates and keep Watching to find out I'm Gary francione To keep up with latest news tap Subscribe and enable your notifications The Wall Street Journal is called Joe Biden's re-election campaign a historic Mistake and has strongly criticized the Candidate's mental and physical decline The editorial board of the Legacy Media Group has suggested that Trump could Beat Biden and has urged other Democrats To join the primary against him even ABC Had to report this watch The Wall Street Journal editorial board Had a very strong statement about it Saying the public understands what Mr Biden apparently won't admit that Electing an octogenarian in obvious Decline for another four years could be

An historic mistake it's impossible to Know Mr Biden's real physical and mental State because the White House goes to Great Lengths to hide it but his decline Is clear to anyone who isn't willfully Blind wow that on ABC News In addition the board has stated that Kamala Harris would be an unsuccessful Candidate if Biden were to drop out of The primary with Biden's approval rating At a dismal 41 percent and only one in Four Americans backing a second term the Prospects of Biden's re-election is Looking unlikely The Wall Street Journal Editorial board has not held back in its Critique of Joe Biden calling out his Age and potential decline the board Stated that electing an 80 year old man An obvious decline for another four Years would be a risky act that borders Unselfish the board suggested that Biden's mental and physical state is Being kept secret but his decline is Clear to anyone who isn't willfully Blind the board also stated there's no Small risk that Biden could decline Noticeably in the 19 months until the Election in 2024 In that event voters on the fence could Swing towards a republican nominee who Can at least meet the rigors of the Office the editorial board also added The vice president Kamala Harris would Be an unsuccessful candidate if Biden

Had to drop out of the primary they Called on other Democrats to join the Primary against Biden and argued that He's doing a disservice to the country For running the board referenced a 2008 Hillary Clinton ad where she ran an ad Saying she was prepared to take 3am Phone calls in a crisis the board Questioned whether an 84 year old Joe Biden could take a 3 pm call The Wall Street journal's criticisms of Biden come as his approval rating sits At a dismal 41 percent with only one of Four Americans backing a second term in Recent NBC News poll Chuck Todd noted That 30 percent of Independents approve Of the job Biden's doing overall Todd Also said that 26 percent of those polls Said that Biden should run for Re-election while an incredible 70 Percent said he shouldn't watch The president's job rating is not in a Good place when you're seeking Re-election sitting at just 41 percent Driven by the 58 of Americans who Disapprove of how he is handling the Economy right now just 30 percent of Independents approve of the job Biden is Doing overall CNN also found that 67 percent of those Who responded to their early April poll Said that Biden doesn't deserve to be Re-elected on CNN watch The numbers are Beyond sobering for

President Biden they tell us many or in Some cases most of you have deep doubts About his performance and about the Direction of the country right now it is April 2023 so a very long way to November 2024. so consider these numbers Just an early campaign Baseline but it's An important but they are still quite Telling about your mood and the Challenge is facing the 80 year old Incumbent or CNN political director David chalian here with us to unveil the Numbers David what do they tell us yeah John this is indeed a big Baseline poll At just the starting line and President Biden hasn't even formally announced his Re-election yet but we asked the American people if he deserves Re-election if he deserves a second term 32 percent just a third of Americans in This poll John say yes Joe Biden Deserves to be re-elected when we asked That back in December it was up at 37 Percent so he's lost a little bit of Ground here and we've noticed uh what's Driving that is young voters live Liberals some people that should be Naturally in a d versus our world in Joe Biden's Camp so he'll have some work to Do on his own side of the fence before He uh can actually convince the broad Middle of the country take a look at his Overall approval rating in this poll 42 Percent approve 57 disapproved

The Wall Street journal's recent op-ed Has caused a stir among supporters of Joe Biden's potential second term with His approval ratings in a free fall in The media now reporting on his declining Health it's becoming increasingly Difficult for even longtime supporters To justify their loyalty CNN and Chuck Todd who once stood by the president Have now To turn to reporting the bitter truth of His inevitable decline it's no secret That Democrats are looking for a strong Candidate for the 2024 election with the Current situation trending towards a Shake-up it seems like only a matter of Time before they find someone better Than Joe to take the reins let's Continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half Of them also selected eating healthier Exercising more or losing weight as Their primary goal in the near future in Spite of the fact that 9 out of 10 People who make resolutions are Confident they'll stick to them nearly 80 percent of them are likely to fail to Accomplish them in order to jump start Your New Year resolutions I recommend Starting with this amazing keto powder As one of the easiest ways to help you

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