MAXINE WATERS Family Payday Scandal Just Got Blown Wide Open

Is your faith in American politics Crumbling now I ask you that because the Actions of some of our elected officials May make you think twice about the Integrity of our elections it has been Revealed that California Democrat Representative Maxine Waters has found Some loopholes to not only enrich Yourself but the rest of her family as Well and are you shocked now your Freedom is at stake get the news that Impacts America top subscribe below to Preserve it My name is Elijah Shafer and we are Going to dive into a stunning Revelation That has wreaked havoc on DC California Representative Democratic representative Uh Maxine Maxine Waters has paid her Daughter over 1.2 million dollars since 2004 with a further six figures in Payments in 2022 election cycle Karen Waters allegedly received payments from Her mother's campaign to keep her slate Mail or operation afloat this practice Is highly unusual on the federal level And Waters appears to be the only National politician using it to grab Committee cash representative Maxine Waters of California has paid the Younger Waters more than uh 1.2 million Dollars she also received another Six-figure payment in 2022. this has Been known since last year when Representative Frank Hill or french hill

Addressed the issue watch Accepting money or now this story Congresswoman Maxine Waters the chairman Of the house Financial Services Committee is funneling campaign funds to Her daughter we've got data from the Federal election committee showing that Karen Waters company Progressive Connections has received one and a Quarter million dollars from her mother Since 2003 for campaign-related services Payments include slate mailing a ban for A holiday event Congressman uh is this Illegal I mean some on the hill have Been stripped of committee assignments For posting a meme online what is what Is the accountability here for Maxine Waters Well Maxine Waters has to face the Accountability from her constituents and Her voters in the LA Basin that she gave Her daughter 1.2 million in campaign Cash for services rendered to the Campaign but that goes in addition to Millions prior to that that she's hired Previous family members to do campaign Assignments the FDC the Federal Election Commission rules don't prohibit a Campaign from hiring a family member but There's an appearance problem and Maxine Waters certainly has one in this case Although it is illegal for federal Lawmakers to hire family members for Campaigns ethics experts frown upon the

Practice after many prominent Democrats Have been called out on this practice Republicans are now seeking a law Banning lawmakers from hiring family Members for campaigns Representative Pat Fallon has introduced Legislation called the family Integrity To reform elections act which would Prevent campaign funds from going to Candidates immediate family if passed The bill would also make the candidate Directly liable for knowingly violating The provisions according to Fallon Waters gave her daughter a 1.1 million From the campaign funds ilahan Omar gave 2.9 Million to her husband from campaign Funds and James Clyburn donated over 200 Thousand dollars to multiple family Members of his family from his campaign The recent Revelations of Maxine Waters Campaign spending on her family members Are just the latest example of Politicians abusing campaign funds the Gop's push for the family Integrity to Reform elections Act is finally shedding Light on Shady campaign Finance Practices while punishing those who take Advantage of these funds to enrich their Families the practice of awarding Campaign funds to family members is Highly unethical regardless of which Side does it and it undermines American Democracy the fact that the practice is So widespread is a worrying sign of

Things to come let's continue this Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Elijah Shafer Have a good night Thank you for watching that report There's a war and a recession cracks Will appear soon and guess who's going To be hit the hardest that's right you The situation will only get worse so you Must protect yourself and your family And you can get help from Noble gold Investments you can't afford to lose Your savings and investment because of Wars tariffs and sanctions gold and Silver from Noble gold Investments are Real Treasures during Times Like These The feeling of being outside the system When things go wrong is a great one Every qualifying Ira of 50 000 or more Will get a beautiful one-quarter ounce Beautiful Gold Eagle bullion coin Noble Gold Investments has thousands of five Star reviews so you can't go wrong and In the description box below you'll find The link tap more if you're using a Mobile device we'll see you at the next Report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network