Massive Lib YouTuber Declares He WILL RUN AGAINST Biden: ‘Joe Will LOSE To TRUMP, Just Like Hillary!

Massive Lib YouTuber Declares He WILL RUN AGAINST Biden: 'Joe Will LOSE To TRUMP, Just Like Hillary!


In the world of politics, surprises are not uncommon. People come forward with bold statements, daring to challenge the status quo and proposing alternatives to the current leadership. In a recent development, a progressive pundit named Sank has emerged, criticizing President Joe Biden for being selfish and demanding that he steps aside for the next generation. Sank, who has gained massive popularity as a liberal YouTuber, has even started a petition calling for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race. This article delves into Sank’s motivations and the possibility of a Democrat challenging Biden in the upcoming election.

Sank’s Frustration with Biden’s Declining Poll Numbers

Sank’s decision to run for president is motivated by his frustration with Biden’s declining poll numbers. He believes that Biden’s presidency has not lived up to the expectations of the progressive base. Sank argues that Biden has failed to deliver on key promises such as tackling income inequality, implementing meaningful healthcare reform, and addressing climate change.

The Possibility of Biden Losing to Trump

Sank’s strong conviction that Biden will lose to Trump, just like Hillary Clinton did in the 2016 election, is a central theme behind his decision to run for president. In a video that has gone viral, Sank provides compelling arguments suggesting that Biden would not fare well against Trump if the election were held today. This possibility serves as a wake-up call for Sank, prompting him to step up as an alternative candidate.

Disrupting the Establishment

In an intriguing clip from Breaking Points, Sank finds support in his belief that disrupting the establishment is both desirable and necessary. The video suggests that the established political elites, including Biden, may not be the best representatives of the progressive values that the base holds dear. Sank sees himself as a potential disruptor who can challenge the status quo and give rise to someone other than Biden becoming the nominee.

Hesitation from Corporate Democrats and Progressives

While Sank considers running for president as an aggressive alternative that could force other candidates to enter the race, corporate Democrats remain hesitant to challenge Biden. They fear the negative media coverage that may come with running against the incumbent President. On the other hand, progressives are also cautious due to the media’s potential to amplify any mistakes or controversies that arise during a campaign. This fear makes them reluctant to step forward as challengers.

Media Influence on Progressives’ Decision

The influence of the mainstream media cannot be ignored when examining the reluctance of progressives to run for president against Biden. It is widely believed that the media has a negative bias towards progressive candidates, often portraying them in a less favorable light compared to more moderate politicians. This biased coverage can dissuade potential candidates from entering the race, fearing potential character assassinations and old information resurfacing.

Sank’s Previous Rejection and Future Strategies

Sank admits that he had previously rejected the idea of running for president due to concerns about the media’s ability to dig up old information and potentially ruin an outsider’s life. However, Sank has now come to realize that the desire for change and progress outweighs these risks. He believes that by running for president and actively campaigning for a progressive agenda, he can inspire others to join the race and force the establishment to take note.


The recent declaration by Sank, a massive liberal YouTuber, to run against Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race has stirred discussions about the future of the Democratic Party. Sank’s frustration with Biden’s declining poll numbers and conviction that Biden would lose to Trump, combined with his desire to disrupt the establishment, has fueled his decision to step forward as a potential alternative. The reluctance of corporate Democrats and progressives to challenge Biden, influenced by media biases, adds further complexity to the situation. Sank’s candidacy, should it materialize, could reshape the political landscape and inspire others to join the race, thus presenting a significant challenge to the current Democratic leadership.

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