Mark Levin: The Valuation of Mar-A-Lago Is Preposterous


In a recent video by BlazeTV, Mark Levin sheds light on the valuation of Mar-A-Lago and criticizes the Democrats’ attempts to smear President Trump during his presidential campaign. The assessed valuation of Trump’s property in Florida is claimed to be only $18 million, which Levin argues is preposterously low. In this article, we will review Levin’s views on the matter and discuss the various aspects surrounding the fraud case against Trump.

Mark criticizes the Democrats’ attempts to smear Trump during his presidential campaign

Levin starts the video by expressing his discontent with the Democrats’ relentless efforts to undermine and smear President Trump, even during his presidential campaign. He highlights how these attempts to tarnish Trump’s reputation through baseless allegations have become a recurring theme in political discourse.

The assessed valuation of Trump’s property in Florida is $18 million, which is unjustifiably low

Levin points out that the assessed valuation of Mar-A-Lago, Trump’s property in Florida, is claimed to be a mere $18 million. He argues that this valuation is unreasonably low and lacks justification. Trump’s luxurious estate, spanning across acres of prime real estate in Florida, showcases opulence and grandeur that cannot be reasonably appraised at such a low value.

The fraud case against Trump is baseless and lacks evidence

The video delves into the fraud case against Trump, which has been widely discussed in recent times. Levin claims that the case is baseless and lacks concrete evidence to substantiate the allegations. He argues that the case relies on speculative and circumstantial information rather than solid proof of wrongdoing.

New York has a law that allows charging someone with fraud even without a victim or harm

Levin goes on to explain that New York has a unique law that allows charging someone with fraud, even in the absence of a victim or any actual harm. This law enables the authorities to bring charges against individuals solely based on the perceived intent to defraud.

Banks and other parties involved in the case have not claimed to be damaged

Another crucial point highlighted in the video is that none of the banks or other parties involved in the case have claimed to be damaged by Trump’s alleged fraudulent activities. The absence of any harmed parties raises questions about the legitimacy of the charges brought against him.

The judge previously ruled Trump guilty of a pattern of fraud based on Leticia James’s filing

Levin makes mention of a prior ruling where the judge concluded that Trump had displayed a pattern of fraud. However, this ruling was based solely on the filing made by Leticia James, the Attorney General of New York. Levin calls into question the impartiality and objectivity of this ruling, as it solely relied on one side’s perspective.

The judge questions the statute of limitations in some of the cases

During the video, Levin reveals that the judge presiding over the case has raised concerns about the statute of limitations for some of the charges against Trump. This creates doubt regarding the validity of prosecuting cases where the alleged incidents occurred many years ago, potentially exceeding the time limit for legal action.

Leticia James needs to provide an explanation for why the statute of limitations hasn’t expired

Levin emphasizes that Leticia James, as the prosecutor in this case, needs to provide a valid explanation for why the statute of limitations hasn’t expired in certain instances. This requirement highlights the need for proper justification and legal grounds for pursuing charges against Trump.

The intention behind the case is to humiliate and bankrupt Trump

Levin suggests that the real intention behind the fraud case is not solely to seek justice or ensure accountability. Instead, he asserts that the primary purpose is to humiliate and bankrupt Trump. By leveraging legal proceedings to tarnish Trump’s reputation, his opponents hope to weaken his stance and influence in the political landscape.

Litigating the property freezes its sale and disrupts Trump’s ability To develop it

Lastly, Levin emphasizes the repercussions of litigating the property. As the legal proceedings continue, the freeze on the property prevents its sale and disrupts Trump’s ability to develop it further. This creates significant obstacles for Trump, hindering his plans and potential growth opportunities.

In conclusion, in the BlazeTV video, Mark Levin provides a critical analysis of the valuation of Mar-A-Lago, expressing his skepticism about the assessed value given to Trump’s Florida property. Additionally, he explains how the fraud case against Trump lacks substantial evidence and highlights the questionable motives behind the prosecution. Through his review, Levin challenges the narratives presented in the media and encourages a more nuanced and balanced understanding of the situation.