Marjorie Taylor Greene Destroys Teachers Union Pres. for Supporting School Closures During Covid

But the other problem is is you had no Business advising the CDC what the Medical guidelines were for school Closures because now we have a nation of School children who have suffered Because of it thank you Mr chairman Miss Weingarten are you a medical doctor I am Not are you a mother I am a mother by marriage by marriage I See Um and my wife is here with me so I'm Really glad that she's here with Sharon Miss Weingarten and you haven't taught School since the 90s so you're not a Teacher anymore I am actually Representative I'm actually on leave From my teaching position and this fall I will be teaching as a guest teacher at Cornell my alma mater it was when was The last year you taught 1997 is that Correct the last time I taught a full Class was June 1997. okay that's been Quite a long time approximately 26 years Ago do you believe in the First Amendment Miss Weingarten Um I believe in the Constitution Including the first amendment of course Oh great well I'd like to remind you of One of your tweets here where you agreed That my suspension on Twitter uh in your Own words politicians shouldn't be Exempt from standards about spreading Misinformation green has repeatedly Shown Reckless disregard for those

Standards this suspension is Justified This is your Tweet uh just last year January 2nd 2022 I was suspended for my Statements about covid-19 as a member of Congress by the way and also I'd like to Point out by by the Emojis by your name Here it looks like you're more of a Political activist than anything clearly Unfortunately you think Ukraine comes Before the United States I'm not sure What the black Flex is I mean is is that Digital blackface but congratulations on Graduating from school but I'd like to Is about honoring Blackness Wine Garden I reclaim my time I didn't ask you a Question what I'd like to talk about is Your recommendations to the CDC as not a Medical doctor not a biological mother And and really not a teacher either so What you did is you advised the CDC Mr Mr chairman that is that I mean that's a Excuse me this is my time uh you advised The CDC to have schools uh provide Remote work options for staff that have Documented high risk conditions who are Increased risk for for severe illness From covid-19 to limit the risk of Workplace exposure telework virtual Teaching opportunities modified job Responsibilities environmental Modifications scheduling flexibility Temporary assignments to different job Responsibilities none of none of your Advice was had to do with to stop the

Spread of covid-19 it was is all about Teachers staying home and there was big Results of that let me tell you I am a Mother and all three of my children were Directly affected by the school closures By your recommendations which is Something that you really can't Understand I'd like to point out let's Talk about the the real effects of this Obviously we know the test results oh And by the way the you celebrating what I had said on on Twitter I had said the Children should be in school I had said The truth that children were not dying At high rates of covid-19 like older People were I had also advocated for our Children not for teachers getting to Stay home and kids being forced into Virtual schooling I advocated for the Safety of our children and for their Education but you as a political Activist for the president of the Teachers union we're not advocating for Anything good for our kids and our kids Have suffered greatly as a matter of Fact suicides increased their rates of Learning went down And you know what else happened to him Anxiety depression all kinds of problems Happen to kids and then ironically Here's something that was shocking to me And I'll bring this up to you Know what else happened while kids were Forced to stay home and you approve of

This the diagnosis of youths with gender Dysphoria surged this is literally 2020 But yet this is 2021. And this is a problem this is a major Problem and the direct effect of school Closures can be seen here These are diagnosis diagnosis of gender Dysphoria and you can see it sharply Increased after 20 20 and 21. it went up The rates went up so kids were forced to Stay home into so-called virtual Learning where they were spending a lot Of time on social media and all of a Sudden we see a direct result of this And this is a this is a major problem But the other problem is is you had no Business advising the CDC what the Medical guidelines were for school Closures because now we have a nation of School children who have suffered Because of it the problem is is people Like you need to admit that you're just A political activist not a teacher not a Mother and not a medical doctor