As the by Administration gears up to Remove the title 4’ Public Health order On May 11 causing chaos at the southern Border former Homeland Security Secretary Jay Johnson has criticized the Administration's plan to monitor Processed and released migrants with a Surge in illegal immigration Johnson Believes it's not feasible to keep track Of all individuals crossing the border Causing a backlog in cases and Overwhelming the communities along the Southern border as the bite Administration prepares to handle this Unprecedented influx of illegal Immigrants questions remain regarding Their approach to border security and The impact of their policies stay Informed on the latest developments in The board of Crisis tap subscribe below And enable notifications to keep up with The latest news The Border crisis has reached an Unprecedented level and former Homeland Security secretary Jay Johnson has Pointed out the potential chaos that Could emerge once title 4’ is removed Come May 11th President Joe Biden's plan To monitor process and release migrants Is not feasible according to Johnson in The influx of illegal immigrants his Already overwhelmed border towns such as El Paso and Brownsville watch Thank you when you have people coming
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Across our Southern Border in these Numbers even with the additional Resources we have now It's simply not feasible to keep track Of them all and the backlog in cases Just grows and grows and grows and Communities along the southern border Are forced to absorb these large numbers It's an invasion plain and simple The bite administration's approach to The crisis is concerning to Conservatives who've always maintained That deterrence is the only viable Method to address the Border crisis but Instead of focusing on deterrence the by Administration claims are plans to Better absorb the spike in illegal Crossings and process the people in a Timely manner these plans however remain Unclear and there seems to be no end in Sight to The Surge of illegal border Crossings Johnson's previous statements That daily Crossings of a thousand Illegal immigrants for a crisis is Almost laughable now current figures Show that as many as 8 000 people are Crossing the southern border daily with Expectations that number could soar to 14 000 once title 4’ is removed it is a Grave concern that the bite Administration appears ill-prepared to Handle a situation of such magnitude and Complexity even more worrisome
Is the fact that the southern border is Far from secure the by demonstration's Effort to secure the Border are clearly Inadequate and it comes as no surprise That the Department of Defense has Announced the deployment of 1500 active Duty troops to the southern border the Troops have been tasked with Administrative and processing duties a Clear indication that border patrol Agents are stretched thin and cannot Keep up with the influx of illegal Immigrants that continue to pour into The country It's essential that the byte Administration rethink their approach to The Border crisis rather than focus on Processing and absorbing illegal Immigrants that must prioritize Deterrence and secure the Border once And for all failure to act could mean The escalation of the crisis leading to An uncontrolled influx of illegal Immigrants and irreparable damage to our Nation It is essential that the Biden Administration rethink the approach to The Border crisis rather than focus on Processing and absorbing illegal Immigrants they need to prioritize Deterrence and secure the Border once And for all Failures to act could mean the Escalation of the crisis leading to an
Uncontrolled influx of illegal Immigrants and irreparable damage to our Nation As former Homeland Security secretary Jay Johnson warned it is simply not Feasible to keep track of all these Individuals invading the Border raising Concerns about the potential for a very Dangerous situation to develop as we Await further development developments It is essential that the administration Focus on effective solutions to this Growing crisis before it's too late Here's a hint build the wall Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Foreign Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save 200 on a three-month Emergency food kit and get free shipping
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