As Senator Bernie Sanders the Progressive lawmaker from Vermont Continues to push his socialist agenda His latest proposal is sure to raise Eyebrows and Spark debate the Self-proclaimed champion of the working Class is now calling for the government To seize personal assets over 999 million dollars effectively Eliminating billionaires from existence I'm Gary franchi I want you to keep up With the latest news on this and Other Stories by tapping subscribe below and Enabling your notifications While Sanders himself is worth a Comfortable three million dollars he Sees it fit to strip others of their Wealth and nationalize it this radical Proposition is not only hypocritical but Goes against the very principles that Have made America a beacon of freedom And success let's explore the Implications of Sanders latest socialist Crusade and why it should worry all Americans who believe in individual Liberty and free market principles Sanders has made a bold call for the U.S Government to take assets exceeding 999 Million dollars from individuals in Effect limiting the wealth that an Individual can accumulate in an Interview with CNN anchor Chris Wallace Sanders stated that in his opinion Billionaires shouldn't exist and he
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Explained he believes that the Government should have the power to Seize assets once they reach a certain Cap before any individual can become a Billionaire watch Sir you're saying that billionaire Should not exist so are you basically Saying that once you get to 999 million Dollars that the government should Confiscate all the rest I'm saying that We should go back to a very progressive Tax policy like what we had under Dwight D ISO which would mean that that over a Billion dollars basically it all goes to The government you May disagree with me Fine yeah I think people can make it on 900 you know 99 million dollars wow This statement marks a significant shift In Sanders stance on the wealthy as he's Previously criticized both Millionaires And billionaires however he now solely Opposes those who are worth over a Billion dollars it's worth noting that The Senator's net worth is an estimated Three million dollars a figure that he Admittedly said on is on the higher end Of the income distribution Spectrum Despite this Sanders has become a long Time vocal advocate for income Inequality and increasing the minimum Wage Bernie Sanders suggestion to eliminate Billionaires altogether and nationalize Wealth is just another example of the
Democrats desperate call for government Control and intervention His proposition of confiscating assets Over 999 million dollars in eliminating Billionaires should be a cause for Concern for all Americans This socialist Agenda which promotes government Takeover and wealth redistribution would Not only undermine the free market System but also hurt the economy and job Creation furthermore Sanders hypocrisy And calling for the elimination of Billionaires while retaining his own Substantial wealth only underscores the Absurdity of his suggestion we must Reject such radical socialist policies And defend the principles of individual Freedom and personal property that have Made America great Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble following or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my
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