Introducing the beauty standard if you Mad stay mad hoes that message Accompanied by some footage of lizzo Glamor modeling I suppose was posted to The singer's Twitter page and I don't Care who you are or what you look like Declaring that you are the beauty Standard it's it's a bold move but I Think it is especially bold if you wait Gosh I gotta say at least 300 pounds Like lizzo does you see despite lizzo's Heavy weight or perhaps because of it This is not the first time that she has Declared that she is the beauty standard In fact she posted this video clip that Went viral to her Instagram account to Her millions of fans I just finished Showering and doing my little routine And you know what I realized I am gorgeous I am the beauty standard And along with that video she also Included the caption I'm sorry that my Perfect face and rock and body offends You I can't help that I'm God's favorite Very confident woman I'll give lizzo That in fact she is so confident that She has appeared on my timeline and I Don't even follow her but she Disappeared on my timeline naked several Times for example when she posed for This photo which she apparently shared To change the conversation about beauty Standards and there's also this Infamous Photo which showed her wearing assless
Chaps for I mean I don't know if she Gave a social reason for doing this or She just wanted attention but in any Case you guys know the rule I saw it so Now you have to too no I'm just gonna Say it and I don't care if this makes me Unpopular but I do have a huge problem With lizzo's Attitude here and I know They're gonna be people saying why she's Just practicing self-love and acceptance Isn't that a good thing don't we need More of that in our society my answer no We don't need more self-love and Self-acceptance in fact I would would Say we have way too much of it and you Know what we need to bring back we Actually need to bring back a little bit Of Shame and for goodness sakes some Humility because you see I'm not a cruel Person when it comes to weight I know That men and especially a lot of women Struggle with body image and it is hard To go out there and try to navigate the World and be confident when you don't Like what you look like and that is why I firmly believe that you shouldn't be Made to feel terrible about yourself Because of the way you look whether That's just your appearance in general Or your body shape or your body type Your weight whatever I'm really not a Fan of bullying and I'm not saying that We should be harassing people who are Fat until they conform to certain beauty
Standards I think there's an argument to Be made that Society has gone as it Usually does a little too far in the Course of over correction and I'll Explain exactly what I mean by that but First I do want to say a big thank you To today's sponsor genucel ladies and Gentlemen for the first time ever our Friends at genucel are including both The ultra retinol and Dark Spot Corrector in their most popular package At Lauren right now you can Save over 70 off genu sales most popular Package just in time for the warm spring Weather featuring General sells Ultra Retinol that contains a powerful retinol Alternative safe on your skin in the Summer and Jenny sells Dark Spot Corrector to reduce the appearance of Dark marks and sunspots for long summer Days outside plus you'll also receive a Genusel's world-class under eye bags Treatment for those annoying eye bags And puffiness and with its immediate Effects see results in as little as 12 Hours guaranteed or your money back and Guys the immediate effects is my Personal favorite product I just don't Mean out of genu sales line out of skin Care entirely I am someone who's I'm a Mom I have a one-year-old sleep has been Hard to come by lately and with the Immediate effects it doesn't matter how Tired I am I put that on and I look
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Think she's a good singer an amazing Floutist but objectively she is leading Herself down the path to an early death Due to her lifestyle and I'm I'm sorry To say it but when the time comes which It likely will when she goes because of A heart attack or something like that It's going to be tragic but it won't be A surprise and the people who are Calling her beautiful saying yes Queen Slay they will have been complicit in Her untimely death I don't want people Calling lizzo ugly and I don't want Lizzo to feel so bad she goes to cry in The bathroom but she shouldn't think That she is the beauty standard she Should want to lose weight so she is Healthier and look I had a baby last Year and after my baby was born I had to Lose like 40 pounds okay I'm still not At my pre-pregnancy weight so I Understand the struggles that come with Weight loss okay I'm not saying this is Someone who hasn't been there myself but The body positivity movement has gone so Overboard that now we have these 500 Pound women that are acting like pure Narcissists they're saying things oh I'm The beauty standard and behaving in ways That if a skinny traditionally beautiful Woman were to do that she would be Called out immediately for being Vain And obnoxious but for some reason Because lizzo happens to be just you
Know shaped like the Michelin Man it's Considered empowering it's just it's It's a very strange double standard it's Like the further you are from a beauty Standard the more we as Society support You boasting about how you look kind of Like all those naked images of lizzo I Don't mean to be mean but like there are So many folds going on I don't even know What I'm looking at at a certain point And this isn't just a problem with lizzo I want to be clear on that this is Something we see in the whole body Positivity Movement we now have people Like this 600 pound activists who are Demanding not asking but demanding that Airlines give them free extra seats Because they're too big to fit in a Single seat did you know that more than One billion people in the world are plus Size that's roughly 13 of the population And yet many airlines still don't have Clear policies in place to account plus Size passengers that's why I've started A petition calling on the FAA to require Every airline to have a clear customer Size policy in place for plus size Passengers no one should have to endure The discomfort embarrassment and Discrimination that often comes with Being a plus-sized passenger trying to Navigate air travel by signing this Petition you can help us demand that Airlines take concrete steps to make air
Travel more inclusive and accommodating For all passengers whether you're plus Size or not everybody deserves to be Treated with dignity and respect when They fly I mean just the amount of Entitlement that comes with declaring Yourself the beauty standard demanding Extra Siege which despite what this Woman says yes that is asking literally For special treatment it's not Discrimination to expect fat people like Everyone else to fit in a single seat This is exactly the type of entitled Behavior that occurs when we as a Society insist on pandering to these Minority groups whether it's plus size People which who honestly aren't even a Minority group anymore because like They're 70 but obviously not everyone Who's overweight is 600 pounds but it's Also the same case for feminists for LGBT activists it's like a certain point We need to be able to say stop to say I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings But no you're an exception and that Doesn't mean that we need to change Everything about how we operate just to Make you happy we're not changing Airline rules we're not changing beauty Standards we're certainly not changing What it means to be healthy like you Could choose to eat whatever you want Clearly you're already doing that but Don't expect the rest of us to
Continually tiptoe around you saying oh No you are beautiful oh you're not a Burden to sit next to on an airline Squishing whoever is unlucky enough to Be seated next to you you're not a risk To your own health it's just as Pandering and frankly I'm sick of it That's pretty much all I have to say for Now though and as always if you enjoyed This video please be sure to like share And subscribe until next time