Foreign Of liberal cities continues and it looks Like an increasing number of them will No longer be able to keep stores open Thanks to their terrible terrible Policies specifically on crimes such as Shoplifting now Chicago is just the Latest in a long line of cities which we Will get to where stores like Walmart Have announced that they will no longer Be operating due to the fact that people Keep stealing their stuff Walmart Announcing the closure of four Chicago Stores effective on April 16th the news Delivering a big blow to many who've Come to rely on those stores devastated By this news now this Chatham Super Center stores just one of four stores Set to close on April 16th of this year 2023 coming up real fast and for more About this closure we turn to this Article from WTTW news where they Explain that while announced it would Shutter locations in Chatham Kenwood a Little village and Lakeview giving Shoppers and employees just a few days Notice it seemed like the ones they're Closing are in the black and brown Communities at activists in Chatham Walmart customer Pam Bosley this one is Busy so I don't know what the issue is So why exactly are these Walmarts Closing is it because as this one Shopper seems to imply they perhaps just
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Don't want to serve black and brown Communities because of racism or on the Other hand is it as previous Chicago Mayor Laura Lightfoot tried to explain Just that businesses don't want to take Responsibility for the security of their Own stores I'm disappointed that they're Not doing more to take safety and make It a priority we still have retailers That won't Institute plans like having Security officers in their stores making Sure that they've got cameras that are Actually operational here's the thing It's not racism that's causing Walmart To close and it's not Walmart's lack of Security either that's at fault here it Is squarely the fault of the politicians Who've essentially made it impossible For stores to thrive because they Refused to punish criminals it seems Like every other day social media is Flooded with videos of people in some Big Democrat City or another treating Stores like Walmart or like Target like An all-you-can steel Buffet taking Whatever they want with no fear for Repercussions because the police know There's nothing they can do Absolutely disgusting behavior and I Feel really bad for the little girl That's in that video who's essentially Not really being given a fair shot at Life like could you imagine if you are a Child and the adults who are supposed to
Teach you right from wrong are Encouraging you to steal from a store on Video like you you basically you have no Shot I hope I'm wrong I hope this girl Somehow uh is able to grow up and be a Productive member of society but I I Doubt that's going to happen essentially What we have here is an entire class of Criminal who is just not a afraid of Consequences and as a result businesses Like Walmart are not able to function And you see businesses like Walmart they Depend on a high volume of goods being Sold because their margins are so low And for a lot of places that works for Walmart Walmart is one of the biggest Retailers in the country however because Their margins are so low it also means That stores like Walmart are uniquely Vulnerable to things like theft like What is happening at Chicago and this is Bad for communities ultimately because There are a lot of people who live in These communities who don't deal and who Are just trying to live their lives who Shop at places like Walmart and depend On the savings that Walmart is able to Offer them and will now be left without A Walmart to go to because of these Criminals and so if I were a community Leader somewhere like Chicago I would Have a big issue with all of these Criminals with all the crime that is Going on but because it's Chicago and
Very little good happens in Chicago Right now instead what we see from Community leaders is more blaming Walmart essentially victim blaming for Their own people the people that live Around them not being able to follow the Law we're going to be looking at this Shocking video clip but first I do want To say thank you to today's sponsor Cozier so going to bed at a decent hour Doesn't always guarantee you get a good Night's sleep especially if you are a Hot or cold sleeper unfortunately I am Both however that changed for me once I Tried out cozy Earth bedding you see it Is the softest most luxurious and Responsibly sourced betting on the Planet cozy Earth bedding is naturally Temperature regulating so I sleep great In any weather by the way I'm not alone This five-star review from Lara States My husband and I are getting the best Sleep we've ever had to the point where We don't wake up in the middle of the Night anymore because we are so Comfortable I can't wait to buy more Colors cozy Earth bedding is made from The finest materials including premium Viscose made from highly sustainable Bamboo cozy Earth in fact is so Confident that you will love their Products they offer a 100 night sleep Try which means you have up to 100 Nights to sleep on it wash it try it out
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Chicago are essentially Lawless Hellholes where people steal whatever They want absolutely no fear for Repercussions and instead of trying to Address this issue of crime these Community leaders in Chicago instead are Just mad at Walmart it seems here's a Speech that essentially is one of the Most useless virtue signals I have ever Seen we have Healthcare deserts we have Food deserts yes sir and we wonder why Yes sir our communities look like they Look I think that we have violence every Single day It is just not on us it is on the Corporate citizens that come into our Community and ravage our community [Music] Absolutely ashamed of yourself You are the reason that our communities Lack the investment that they have this Guy is mad about food deserts about a Lack of investment in his community Walmart is trying to serve you they want To invest in your community they want to Be able to offer you food your community Is the one that is making that almost Impossible actually literally impossible Considering they are running a business If you want corporations to actually Invest in your community and to not Leave stop stealing from them okay Because to me at least it doesn't look Like Walmart is the one doing any of the
Ravaging at least not according to all Of those viral Tick Tock videos and as I Alluded to earlier Chicago is far from The only liberal City experiencing this Problem of all these stores closing down Essentially because people won't stop Stealing from them we've also seen Similar things happen in Portland Oregon Walmart is closing its only two Portland Locations leaving many customers who Rely on The Big Box store unsure of Where to go next Walmart said as they're Closing both Portland locations because They were not meeting Financial Expectations but customers wonder if It's shoplifters impacting the store's Bottom line we got to resolve the Shoplifting one way or another that is Excuse me the problem Um it's kind of it's not just Amanda but Many households in the lens Neighborhoods surrounding Walmart rely On the store to meet their needs and Again just like in Chicago I feel bad For the people in Portland who are just Following the law who aren't stealing Anything and are just looking for Somewhere affordable to shop but they Can't because these criminals Essentially won't let them have nice Things in their neighborhood that sucks That's a terrible position to be in but It ultimately is not Walmart's Responsibility to burden the financial
Loss of product that's been stolen when Really these cities should just be Keeping their criminals in check and Really that takeaway that criminals need To be held accountable that would solve So many issues here and it really is Something that can apply to Chicago to Philadelphia to Portland and yes to San Francisco because if you want to look at How bad things can get just look at San Francisco San Francisco is one of those Places that's a little bit more ahead of Ahead of the timeline here in fact Things are so bad in San Francisco that It's not just low margin Walmarts that Are closing but even places like Whole Foods are being affected as Michael Schellenberger reported on Twitter San Francisco politicians and the local news Media say crime isn't increasing but Whole Foods begs to differ today Whole Foods announced that it is abandoning Its one-year flagship store downtown Because of crime and rampant drug Dealing and as the San Francisco Standard further explained we are Closing our Trinity location only for The time being a Whole Foods Spokesperson said in a statement if we Feel we can ensure the safety of our Team members in the store we will Evaluate a reopening of our Trinity Location a city hall source told the Standard the company cited deteriorating
Street conditions around drug use and Crime near the grocery store as a reason For its closure and if you think that These corporations are being overly Dramatic that they're closing entire Stores just because a few razor blades Were stolen you could be wrong these are Big numbers that are affecting companies Bottom lines and ultimately these Companies are forced with a decision Where they either close a few stores or The entire company is at risk as a Daily Mail previously wrote in 2021 retailers Lost a combined 94.5 billion to shrink a Term used to describe theft and other Types of infant inventory loss an Organized retail crime incident soared By 26.5 percent in the same year According to the 2022 National Retail Security survey along with Brazen Daylight thefts self-checkouts have also Made it easier for people to walk out Without paying for items Progressive District attorneys in cities like Chicago New York Portland and California Have also been blamed for effectively Legalizing shoplifting with either not Prosecuting thefts under 950 or letting Criminals off with a slap on the wrist These thefts are a problem that are Affecting so many liberal cities and Ultimately it's not just big companies Like Walmart and Target and whole foods That are being affected but even Mom and
Pop shop so I don't care if you're not For big business this affects any Business because a lot of these Criminals they don't care whether it's a Mom-and-pop shop they're stealing from Or a corporation that is internationally Operated worth a billion plus dollars Before we go I do want to address the Leftist argument that we will Undoubtedly hear but what about Insurance we have this from wire points Retailers weren't taking it well Understandably Johnson was asked by a Wgnt TV interviewer at that time do you Worry about stores leaving Chicago in The country because they don't think It's safe Johnson bristled at the Concern he replied these companies have Insurance and Assurance he also said you Can't take a certain level of urgency to Protect capital and the wealthy and not Have that same tenacity to provide Relief for families that have been Devastated through structural racism for Generations whether it's dealing with The aftermaths of theft or writing I Just feel like the left doesn't Understand how Insurance Works insurance Is not a fix-all Band-Aid that you could Just apply to any problem oh it's fine The business is once more flourishing Because guess what after a certain point Insurance gets more and more expensive As the insurance company has to keep
Doing these payouts and after a certain Time insurance companies simply will not Want to insure businesses that are Operating in these locations or at least Not for a price that would actually make It feasible so yes you do ultimately Just have to stop the crime if you want People to be able to live in these hell Holes and here's the thing I know that The conservative small government Worldview isn't perfect okay some people Will fall through the cracks if you have A really small social safety net Provided by the government and that is Exactly why places like churches and Private Charities need to step in and I Think basically all conservatives or Right-wingers understand the situation They don't think that their View for the Government is going to create a Utopia They just think it's going to create the Best possible scenario and that we can Work with private institutions like Charities churches and families to pick Up the slack where there are failings The progressive worldview on the other Hand it admits no moral failings but yet It fails so spectacularly where we're Not even talking about some people Falling through the cracks it's like These cities are ceasing to function at All crime is rampant a stores can't stay Open this is exactly what happens when You leave leftists in office for far too
Long and if you are still in a place Like Chicago or San Francisco my advice To you is just get out while you still Can it's basically all I have to say for Now and as always if you enjoyed this Video please be sure to like share and Subscribe until next