Yeah late night TV used to be a staple Of American entertainment but in the age Of trump shows like The Tonight Show and The Late Show have turned into hot beds Of far left political propaganda With viewership and AD revenue on the Decline it's clear that audiences are Tired of being lectured To by liberal hosts who have lost all Sense of balance and objectivity the Solution Tune out the noise and find alternative Sources of entertainment that don't push A political agenda I'm rich Franks you All want top news every day hit Subscribe below and then turn on your Notifications Before I get to that report there are 164 million Americans who report getting Poor sleep every night that's why I've Been using this amazing sleeping pill For a few months and I absolutely love It seven essential vitamins and minerals Make it a great alternative to Pills and Supplements reclaim your good night's Sleep with 51 off go to or click more Below the video in the description box And click the link there to get several Free bonuses before their half off sale Ends go to now back to the News Yeah late night TV has been a fixture of
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American culture for decades but in Recent years it's become something Altogether different shows like The Tonight Show The Late Show and Jimmy Kimmel Live have all morphed into Platforms for far left political Commentary abandoning any pretense of Entertainment in favor of pushing an Agenda as a result viewership has Plummeted leaving networks scrambling to Fill the void but the question remains Why have these shows so completely lost Touch with their audiences To understand the decline of late night TV we must first look at the rise of far Left politics in the United States As the country became more divided During and after the election of Donald Trump Late night hosts felt Compelled to take a stand They abandoned their traditional role as Entertainers and instead used their Shows to preach a particular political Message the result has been disastrous For their viewership and many Americans Tuning out entirely But it's not just political polarization That has hurt late night TV Viewers now have more options than ever Before thanks to the rise of streaming Services like Netflix and Hulu Why sit through a one-sided political Rant right when you could watch your
Favorite shows without any of the Preaching and with the covid-19 pandemic Forcing many late night shows to go Without a live audience the lack of Authentic energy has only added to the Problem Late night shows have also struggled to Adapt to the changing media landscape in The age of social media television is no Longer the only game in town hosts who Once had the Monopoly on late night Entertainment must now contend with Influencers YouTubers and other digital Celebrities who are more in tune with The younger demographic But perhaps the biggest issue facing Late night TV is its complete lack of Diversity Liberal hosts like Stephen Colbert Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon have created Shows that are only appealing to a Narrow slice of their potential audience Those who share their far left views This has been a turn off for many Viewers who simply want to be Entertained without having an agenda Shoved down their throats One show that is Bucking the the trend Obviously is uh Gutfeld on Fox News Unlike its competitors Gutfeld focuses On humor first and foremost tapping into A more diverse range of viewpoints and Perspectives and it's working In the first quarter of 2021 Gutfeld
Actually surpassed both The Tonight Show And Jimmy Kimmel Live in terms of Viewership Yeah late night TV used to be a fun and Light-hearted way to wind down after a Long day But now it's become nothing more than a Vehicle for political indoctrination the Decline in ratings and AD revenue is a Clear sign that average Americans are Well they're tired of the one-sided Preaching and the lack of balance and Objectivity If late night TV wants to survive it Needs to do better needs to be better Maybe it's time to turn the page to move On to entertainment that's more diverse More inclusive And most importantly more entertaining The future of late night is uh anyone's Guess But one thing is clear The current approach simply isn't Working and we want to know what you Think of TV do you still watch TV or What what's the problems with TV Let us know in the comments for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw we'll See you at the next report Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work
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