L.A. Dodgers Choose to Honor False Idol of Pride


In recent years the issue of promoting ideologies that contradict religious beliefs has become increasingly prevalent in society. Many organizations are choosing to side with these ideologies promoting them as forms of progress and inclusivity. However this has created conflicts with religious organizations and individuals who feel that their beliefs are being neglected or intentionally attacked. One such case is the recent decision by the L.A. Dodgers to honor the false idol of pride.

The Dodgers Game:

On June 9th 2019 the L.A. Dodgers hosted their annual LGBT night at Dodger Stadium. The event was in partnership with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and aimed to promote inclusivity and fight against discrimination against the LGBTQ community. While the Dodgers claim to be promoting inclusivity this event only promotes a particular type of inclusivity that contradicts religious beliefs.

Tipping Point:

The Knights of Columbus recently featured a segment on their show Tipping Point discussing the battle between Christian values and ideologies promoting LGBTQ worship. They argued that the promotion of LGBTQ beliefs and values is not inclusive but exclusive to those who do not support them. This contradicts the very idea of inclusivity which seeks to include everyone regardless of their beliefs.

Anti-Catholicism and Desecration:

Archbishop Salvatore Cordillioni has gone on record suggesting that anti-Catholicism and desecration are being worshiped in society. He argues that promoting false idols such as pride is a form of desecration and goes against the very beliefs that many people hold sacred.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence:

One example of this promotion of false idols is the group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence which has been engaging in anti-Catholic performances since 1979. These performances go against everything that many Catholics hold dear and they are promoted in the name of progress and inclusivity.

Culture War:

The situation emphasizes the need to eradicate evil from society. The phrase culture war does not do justice to the theological problems of our time. The battle between true beliefs and those that promote false idols is not a mere culture war but a spiritual battle. It is a battle for the very soul of humanity and what it means to be human.

OAN Offers Exclusive Full-Length Content:

The battle for the soul of humanity is not confined to religion alone. Many media companies are also actively promoting false idols. However some companies such as One America News Network (OAN) are pushing back against this trend. OAN offers exclusive full-length content through its OAN Live App which is free to download. This content provides an alternative to the mainstream media and promotes truthful reporting that is not tainted by political correctness or false ideologies.

Free Talk by OAN:

OAN has also launched Free Talk its new social platform that allows for free speech. This platform provides a space where people can express their beliefs and engage in conversation without fear of censorship or persecution. This is especially important in todays climate where the promotion of false idols is actively censoring those who hold true beliefs.


KlowdTV offers OAN Live through subscription starting at $2.50/mo. This subscription provides access to a channel that promotes truthful and unbiased reporting. This is vital in todays media climate where many companies are promoting false idols and narratives that go against the very beliefs that many people hold dear.


The battle for the soul of humanity is far from over. The promotion of false idols is a trend that is actively working against true beliefs and values. It is essential that we promote inclusivity that is truly inclusive of all beliefs. This means that we must recognize and respect all beliefs including those that May contradict our own. The Dodgers decision to honor the false idol of pride is a step in the wrong direction. We must promote understanding and respect not polarization and division.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews