KYLE RITTENHOUSE Continues to Fight #shorts

It's been a battle of lawsuits from a Case that has already been decided once Before but it seems Kyle right now his Attacker is out for more blood as he Tries to play the victim will it work or Will Kyle shut down this obviously Pathetic attempt Shocking news has come to light Regarding Kyle Rittenhouse who has shown His bravery in the face of the Democrat Agenda as he files a counter lawsuit Against Gage gross Cruz who's trying to Play the victim in a role he played While attempting to attack a then 17-year-old boy In response to gross crew's attempt to Harm him writtenhouse announced on Saturday that he filed a counter suit Against gross Crews for assaulting an Emotional distress this form the Incident that occurred during the 2020 BLM riots in Kenosha Wisconsin when Red House shotgrows crews in self-defense in 2021 gross Crews admitted pointing a Loaded handgun at rittenhouse's head During rittenhouse's trial renhouse shot First hidden gross crews in the arm Before gross Crews pulled the trigger Among the damages gross group seeks Against Rittenhouse are economic losses Damages for emotional distress Humiliation loss of enjoyment

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