KJP Visisbly ANNOYED by Doocy’s Question, Calls Him Dramatic

Yeah Thanks great I wanted to ask about the Trial going on in Arkansas with Hunter Biden and the child support of the President and first lady monitoring that And how come they haven't acknowledged The seventh grade I'm not going to speak to that from here Go ahead Okay great what is uh happening with the Covid-19 task force after May 11th with Dr job depart we've been put about Remaining staff so we'll have more to Share on that in the uh in the upcoming Weeks Thank you If the border is secure as the Administration has said then why would We need to send 1500 active duty U.S Troops down there because we need more Work we need more work needs to be done Peter we put forth a a comprehensive Immigration Legislation and Congress of republicans In Congress can refuse to act and so the President has used the tools that he has In front of him uh to uh to prepare Ahead of title 4 lifting as you know That is happening uh in the next couple Of days and so we are putting uh DHS Department of State as putting forth Processes processes to deal to deal with The changes that are going to be ahead Of us and so that is what's important

Here and that's what you've been seeing For the past several months you've heard From DHS you've heard from the state Department on what we're putting in Place to deal with to to deal with the Border once title 4 lives you said Yesterday that when it comes to Illegal Migration you've seen it come down by More than 90 percent where did that Number come from it was I was speaking He was telling us the number is I hear You I'm about to answer People I'm about to answer this whole Year so if you if The Dramatics could Come down just a little bit Um if The Dramatics would come down a Little bit dramatic about asking a Question about okay I'm gonna answer so I was speaking to the parolee program as You know the president put in place a Parolee program to deal with uh to deal With certain countries uh on on ways That we can limit illegal migration and We have seen the data has shown us that It has gone down by more than 90 that Was what I was speaking no I'm we're Gonna go we're going to move go ahead go Ahead go ahead bet we're moving Peter Let's go Um it's just two quick follow-ups on the Meeting next week I'm not sure sorry Yeah Yeah one more on the um vaccine minute Being left on May 11. you guys plan to

Uh rehire anyone who was fired or Voluntarily resigned into that policy Would they get any sort of conversation That pay anything like that they we'll Have more to share more details to share In the upcoming days on on requirements Don't have anything new to share on that At the time on the debt ceiling you Talked about this is congress's Duty We're at a deadbeat Nation all that kind Of stuff but what's the president's plan To convince McCarthy of this what do you Plan to do to get him over to your side Uh and convince him to to see things That way well the question is to McCarthy what has changed the question To speaker McCarthy is in the last Administration he voted three times Three times to deal with the debt Ceiling so the question is to him what's Change under this Administration