Kamala Harris’ Plot to Take Over as POTUS not Going Unseen

Is Kamala Harris secretly running for President in 2024 political pundits are Sounding the alarm about Joe Biden's Shaky grip on Power and the ambitious Vice president waiting in the wings you Don't want to miss this shocking report On the gop's worst nightmare stay Informed and up to date on breaking news By tapping subscribe button below and Enabling notifications CNN contributor van Jones has revealed That Kamala Harris is already Campaigning for president in her 2024 Re-election bid with Joe Biden despite Her poor approval rating and failed 2020 Presidential run Jones predicts that Harris will win over Americans once they See more of her watch She is in such an unusual position she's A woman she's black she's Asian and She's running alongside the oldest Person to ever do it so she's Essentially running for president that's What she's doing and I think people will Understand This raises the question of whether Biden's too old and frail to run for Another term already the oldest serving President in U.S history he's faced Growing scrutiny of his unsteady public Appearances and is limited and state Managed interactions with the Press some Speculate his decision to run again may Have been influenced by concerns that

Harris cannot defeat GOP front-runner Donald Trump So it's no secret that Kamala Harris has Her sights set on the presidency despite Her unimpressive performance in the 2020 Democrat primaries she was chosen as Joe Biden's running mate on the promise of Diversity and unity however her approval Ratings have been even lower than Biden's as she struggles to establish a Clear agenda and connect with voters Apparently however this has not stopped Her from quietly positioning herself for A future presidential campaign one thing Is certain the future of American Politics is up for grabs with Biden Harris at the Helm of the Democrat Party And Trump and other prominent Republicans vying for control of the GOP The next few years are going to be full Of surprises let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend at all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances a Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves From Financial ruin if we do but where Can we find Reliable tips like these Well you got to check out Noble Gold's YouTube Channel videos by knowledgeable

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