Joining A GANG In Prison


Joining a gang in prison is a decision that many inmates find themselves contemplating. It’s a choice that can have significant consequences, both positive and negative. In a recent video created by BlazeTV, the host explores the decision-making process of someone who is facing the prospect of spending 60 days behind bars and must decide which gang to join. This review will delve into the options presented in the video and examine the considerations that go into making such a life-altering decision.

The Options: Aryans or the Muslim Brotherhood?

The protagonist of the video finds himself in a predicament – he has to choose between two rival prison gangs, the Aryans and the Muslim Brotherhood. Each gang comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and the decision isn’t an easy one. The host highlights the significance of this choice, as the gang one aligns with can influence their prison experience.

The Muslim Brotherhood, despite its name, is open to members of all races and backgrounds. They actively recruit the protagonist, emphasizing that his race doesn’t matter. This offers him a sense of inclusivity and belonging that could help ease his transition into prison life. Furthermore, the Muslim Brotherhood boasts a strong support system within the prison, providing protection and a sense of camaraderie.

On the other hand, the Aryans present a different set of advantages. They are known for their strength in numbers and their influence within the prison hierarchy. Joining the Aryans could potentially offer the protagonist protection and power, but it also comes with a price. He must be willing to uphold the beliefs and ideals of the gang, which may conflict with his own values and principles.

Overwhelming Courtship and Consideration

The protagonist finds himself facing overwhelming courtship from both gangs. This complicates his decision-making process as he considers the offers laid before him. He acknowledges the importance of taking his time and weighing the pros and cons of each option. This is not a choice that can be rushed or made impulsively. The consequences of aligning with a gang in prison are far-reaching, and careful consideration is crucial.

Exploring Alternative Options: The Triad

While the protagonist is considering the Aryans and the Muslim Brotherhood, he is also exploring alternative options. One such option is joining an Asian gang, specifically the notorious Triad. The video highlights the Triad as an attractive alternative, perhaps even the best choice among the available options. The host discusses the Triad’s reputation for loyalty, cohesion, and perceived lack of involvement in racial conflicts.


Joining a gang in prison is an undoubtedly weighty decision. The video produced by BlazeTV provides a fascinating glimpse into the thought process of someone facing this choice. The protagonist carefully considers his options: the Aryans, the Muslim Brotherhood, and even the Triad. Ultimately, this decision will shape his experience within the prison system, influencing his safety, relationships, and sense of identity.

With the overwhelming courtship from both gangs and the allure of alternative options, the protagonist finds himself at a crossroads. The choice he makes will have lasting consequences, requiring him to carefully navigate the intricate web of prison gang dynamics. In a world filled with uncertainty, he must trust his instincts and select the path that aligns with his principles, safety, and long-term goals.