Joe Biden Makes Disgusting Statement About Granddaughter – No Love For Hunter’s Kid

Joe Biden Makes Disgusting Statement About Granddaughter - No Love For Hunter's Kid


In a shocking turn of events, Joe Biden, the former Vice President of the United States, has made a truly disgusting statement about his granddaughter. This statement reveals a lack of love and acceptance towards Hunter Biden’s daughter, further tarnishing the reputation of the Biden family. Join me as we delve into the details of this heart-wrenching story.

The First Family Finally Acknowledges Their Granddaughter

Late Friday news dumps are often used by politicians to release information that they hope will go unnoticed. This was the case when Joe Biden’s family finally acknowledged the existence of his granddaughter. However, the way in which they did this leaves much to be desired.

The Statement Was Cold and Unloving

In their official statement, the Biden family expressed no love or warmth towards Hunter’s daughter. It was evident that their words were carefully crafted to distance themselves from any association with her. This heartless approach raises serious questions about their humanity.

The Grandparents Only Want What’s Best for All Their Grandchildren

One would expect grandparents to shower all their grandchildren with love and support. However, the Biden family seems to be prioritizing their political image over the well-being of Hunter’s daughter. Their actions suggest that they are more concerned about preserving their reputation than the emotional welfare of a young girl.

No Mention of Love or Meeting Their Granddaughter

In their statement, the Biden family failed to mention any intention of meeting or forming a bond with Hunter’s daughter. This omission is deeply concerning and highlights a blatant disregard for family values and the importance of nurturing relationships.

Family Shame for Four Years

For four years, Hunter Biden’s daughter has been kept in the dark, denied the love and acceptance every child deserves from their family. This deliberate exclusion has caused immense pain and shame for the entire family, emphasizing that the Biden family’s priorities lie elsewhere.

Hunter Biden Denies His Daughter Until Paternity Test

Hunter Biden initially denied paternity until a DNA test confirmed his relationship with his daughter. This denial only adds to the heartbreaking narrative surrounding the mistreatment of his child by his own blood. It raises questions about his integrity as a father and a member of society.

Biden Family Still Attempting to Deny Her the Family Name

Even after the paternity test, the Biden family seems unwilling to fully accept and embrace Hunter’s daughter as a member of their family. This rejection shows a lack of compassion and empathy, leaving a profound impact on the young girl’s emotional well-being.

Issued Statement to People Magazine Defending Their Actions

The Biden family decided to issue a statement to People magazine, defending their actions and highlighting their commitment to protecting their image. This move only adds insult to injury, as it underscores their lack of genuine remorse and their continued efforts to save face rather than prioritize reconciliation.


Joe Biden’s disgusting statement about his granddaughter has shed light on the callousness and lack of love within the Biden family. It is truly disheartening to witness a family prioritizing their reputation over the emotional well-being and acceptance of an innocent child. As this story continues to unravel, it is important to question the values and intentions of those who seek the highest positions of power.