Jerry Nadler in Denial: NYC’s High Crime Rates are Not a Problem

Well New York City is one of the highest Crime rates in the country but according To Congressman Jerry Nadler there is no Such thing as high crime in the city Thanks for watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from my YouTube Ivory Hecker fight Fake news with the truth every day arm Yourself tap subscribe enable Notifications and fight back with Next News Network before I get to that Keeping up with financial news is Essential save time by following the Tips and sources on the noble Gold YouTube channel more than 13 000 Subscribers trust noble goals presenters To keep them informed noblegold's YouTube channel connects the dots for You subscribe right now now back to the News in a recent hearing about the Problem Nadler dismissed the issue Claiming that it was all a political Ploy by Jim Jordan and other Republicans To attack the Manhattan district Attorney Alvin Bragg and obstruction of Justice in the Donald Trump case nather Refused to acknowledge that New York City is facing a crime epidemic even When confronted with the facts in 2022 a Violent crime surged in Manhattan South By 34 percent and Manhattan North by 14 And a half percent but Nadler maintained That such statistics were fraudulent and That the city was doing fine this is not

The first time nether has denied the Existence of Major Crimes being Committed in Liberal strongholds take a Look The NYPD releasing crime stats for the First quarter of 2023 and there is some Good news overall Major Crimes are down But with the exception of felony Assaults and Grand larcenes but as Sharon Corley shows us there is a Disturbing new trend the number of Crimes involving teens we know there's a Lot more to do painting is somewhat Optimistic picture New York City Police Commissioner kishan Sewell says major Felony crimes like murder rape and Shootings are down however assaults car Thefts and shoplifting remains Stubbornly High the city's first quarter Crime report card comes with another Concern the commissioner says the number Of teenagers being arrested for violent Crimes is up a significant number of our Shooting incidents involving our people Who are young Center on gangs and Street Crews what's more many of these Teenagers are already repeat offenders And in some cases they've been victims Multiple times as well it continues in a Trend That is unacceptable this year We've had Already Incidents where

Under the age of 18 victims have already Been shot two separate times so Well nadler's claims that the crime rate In New York City is not a problem are Outrageous and out of touch with reality The people of New York are suffering From high crime rates and they need Their elected officials to take action To address the problem however now They're a Democrat seems more interested In protecting his party and his Colleagues and in doing what is best for His constituents nadler's denial of the High crime rates in his district is not Only wrong but also Dangerous by Refusing to acknowledge the problem he's Essentially enabling criminals and Putting the lives of New Yorkers at risk Instead of Defending Alvin Bragg soft on Crime policies now there should be Working to hold him accountable and to Ensure that Justice is being served in His district the victims of Bragg's Policies deserve justice and it is up to Leaders like Nadler to fight for them Unfortunately now there seems more Interested in and playing playing Politics than in doing his job New York City's crime problem is a serious issue And it is not something that can be Swept under the rug it's high time that Now they'll start taking the issue Seriously and working to make his District safer for everyone Jerry Nadler

Is out of touch with reality of the Crime epidemic in New York City his Denial of the problem is dangerous and Irresponsible and it shows that he's More interested in politics than in Serving his constituents now there's Allegiance with the Democratic party is Clouding his judgment and he is ignoring The facts about high crime rates and Enabling criminals it's time for Nadler To wake up and do his job the people in New York City deserve better than a Congressman who is in denial about the Issues they face but let me know your Thoughts let's continue this Conversation in the comments below for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend it all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances a Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves From Financial ruin if we do but where Can we find Reliable tips like these Well you got to check out Noble Gold's YouTube Channel videos by knowledgeable Presenters keep you up to date on all The latest Financial developments and Explain what they mean behind the screen How they impact your savings with over Thirteen thousand subscribers Noble gold Can help you see the forests for the

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