Jason Aldean Stands Firm on Pro-America Song Amid Controversy

Jason Aldean Stands Firm on Pro-America Song Amid Controversy


In a world filled with divisive opinions and growing political tension, country music star Jason Aldean finds himself at the center of controversy with his latest anthem, ‘Try That In A Small Town.’ This pro-America song has garnered both praise and criticism, with critics accusing Aldean of fostering division and interpreting his anti-violence message as racially charged. Despite the backlash, Aldean remains steadfast in his patriotic sentiments and stands firm behind his music and message.

The Backlash:

Jason Aldean’s song ‘Try That In A Small Town’ has struck a chord with listeners, but not everyone is singing along. Critics argue that the song’s lyrics and imagery unintentionally promote a narrow definition of patriotism, leading to accusations of divisiveness. Some have even gone as far as to claim that Aldean’s anti-violence message is racially charged, further escalating the debate surrounding the song.

Reaffirming Patriotism:

Despite the criticism, Jason Aldean remains resolute in his beliefs and uses his platform to reaffirm his patriotic sentiments. During a recent concert in Cincinnati, he addressed the controversy head-on, stating, “I believe in this country, its values, and the freedoms we all hold dear. We live in a time where expressing love for one’s country seems to be met with hostility, but that won’t stop me from sharing my message through music.”

Chart Dominance:

Controversy aside, ‘Try That In A Small Town’ continues to enjoy popular success and chart dominance. The song has resonated with many fans who appreciate its unapologetic celebration of small-town American values. Aldean’s ability to connect with his audience on such a deep level has propelled the song to the top of the charts, despite the ongoing debate surrounding its content.

CMT’s Decision:

Country Music Television (CMT) recently decided to pull the music video for ‘Try That In A Small Town’ due to the controversy surrounding its content. However, Aldean remains undeterred by this setback, stating, “I’m disappointed in CMT’s decision, but I respect their right to make it. My focus has always been on the music and the message it carries, and that won’t change.”

A Conversation Sparked:

Jason Aldean’s song has sparked a much-needed conversation about patriotism, freedom of speech, and the state of America today. While opinions may differ, the song has prompted listeners to examine their own beliefs and values, leading to a deeper understanding and dialogue about what it truly means to be a patriot in modern society.

Aldean’s Commitment:

Throughout this controversy, Jason Aldean has stood firm behind his music and message. He understands that his platform carries a responsibility to speak his truth, even when it may be met with resistance. Aldean’s commitment to his values and convictions serves as a testament to his dedication as an artist and his unwavering belief in the power of music to inspire change.

Promotional Aspects:

In addition to the music video, Jason Aldean’s video on The Next News Network includes information about donating, purchasing merchandise, and subscribing to the channel. It also promotes books and online courses related to libertarian thought and free-market economics, providing listeners with additional resources to educate themselves further. Moreover, the video includes links to restore online privacy and stock up on survival food, catering to those who value personal freedom and self-reliance.


Jason Aldean’s pro-America song, ‘Try That In A Small Town,’ has undeniably stirred controversy since its release. Critics argue that the song fosters division and misrepresents the meaning behind its anti-violence message. However, Aldean remains steadfast in his beliefs, using his platform to reaffirm his love for his country and its values. Regardless of the backlash, the song enjoys popularity and chart dominance, sparking a crucial conversation about patriotism and freedom of speech in America. Through unwavering commitment to his music and message, Jason Aldean demonstrates the power of art to challenge and inspire, even in the face of controversy.