‘INVESTIGATE OBAMA!’ Barack EXPOSED As Architect Of Trump Political Persecution | Hard Evidence 🚨

Welcome to our blog post, where we delve into the intriguing topic of the alleged connection between Barack Obama and the political persecution faced by Donald Trump. Join us as we examine the evidence that suggests Barack Obama played a pivotal role in orchestrating this tumultuous chapter of American politics. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking analysis, backed by hard evidence, that aims to shed light on the controversial relationship between these two prominent figures. So, fasten your seatbelts and let’s dive into the world of high-stakes politics together.


Welcome to The Benny Brigade, where we bring you the latest in political investigations and hard-hitting evidence. Today, we dive deep into the shocking revelation that Barack Obama was the mastermind behind the political persecution of Donald Trump. Join us as we uncover the truth and expose the architect of this astonishing scheme. Strap in, folks, it’s going to be a wild ride!

Uncovering the Scheme:

  1. The Puppeteer at Work:

    • Our investigation reveals shocking evidence that Obama orchestrated a political witch hunt against Trump during his presidential campaign.
    • From abusing his power to spying on the Trump campaign to unmasking American citizens, Obama left no stone unturned to undermine his political rival.
  2. Hard Evidence Galore:

    • We present concrete proof of surveillance, leaks, and unauthorized unmaskings carried out by the Obama administration.
    • These actions demonstrate a blatant disregard for the democratic process, raising questions about the integrity of Obama’s presidency.
  3. The Partners in Crime:

    • Patriot Mobile, one of our trusted partners, has supported our investigation, offering resources and testimonials from affected parties.
    • Their involvement showcases the significance of collaborating with like-minded individuals in exposing the truth.
  4. Join the Conversation:

    • If you want to delve deeper into this scandalous revelation, we encourage you to subscribe to our podcast.
    • Our podcast provides an in-depth analysis and interviews with experts, ensuring you stay up to date with the latest developments in the investigation.
  5. Stay Informed:

    • To stay informed about ongoing investigations and breaking news related to this scandal, sign up for The Benny Newsletter.
    • By subscribing, you’ll receive regular updates straight to your inbox, ensuring you never miss a beat.
  6. Don’t Miss Out:

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  7. Valuable Insights:

    • Our YouTube video delves deep into the scandal, presenting valuable information and expert opinions.
    • By watching this video, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the extent of Obama’s involvement in the political persecution of Trump.
  8. Connect with Us:

    • Stay connected with us through our website, where we provide regular updates on the investigation.
    • Feel free to explore our diverse range of content, including articles, videos, and podcasts, all dedicated to unraveling the truth.
  9. An Inclusive Community:

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    • We value your input and encourage open discussions on our forums, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  10. Endless Possibilities:

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    • Whether it’s submitting your own evidence, sharing personal experiences, or providing additional leads, your contribution matters.


The evidence is clear – Barack Obama was the hidden architect behind the political persecution of Donald Trump. Through unauthorized surveillance, leaks, and unmaskings, Obama abused his power and undermined the democratic process. The Benny Brigade, supported by partners like Patriot Mobile, strives to expose the truth and hold those responsible accountable. By joining our movement, subscribing to our podcast, and staying engaged through our social media channels, you become an integral part of this historic investigation. Together, we will uncover the truth and ensure transparency in our democracy. Are you ready to join The Benny Brigade? Let’s unravel the truth together!

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews