Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Claims US Has ‘Too Many Jobs’ – Seriously?

Are you serious those are the words of Senator Josh Hawley in response to Interior secretary Deb Holland's Shocking comment that the U.S has too Many jobs in a heat exchange during a Senate hearing Holly confronted Holland Over the bite administration's radical Climate change agenda which he claimed Was hurting American Energy security and Sacrificing blue-collar jobs don't miss A single development in this crucial Storytap subscribe below and enable your Notifications to stay up to date with The latest news Senator Josh Hawley confronted the Interior secretary Deb Holland on Tuesday over the bite administration's Radical climate change agenda which he Claimed was hurting American Security And sacrificing blue-collar jobs in the Senate hearing he pointed out that Manufacturing Lithium-ion batteries for Electric vehicles was causing Environmental damage and making the U.S More dependent on China which produces The majority of these components Holland Responded by suggesting that there were Too many jobs in the country prompting Holly to accuse her of dismissing the Concerns of blue-collar workers and Prioritizing green dreams over American Prosperity Holly's exchange with Holland Took place during the Senate energy and Natural resources Committee hearing

Where he pressed her on the bite Administration's policies towards Mining And energy production he noted that the Administration has banned mining across 2 225 000 Acres near Duluth Minnesota earlier This year which would have allowed the Development of nickel copper and Cobalt Resources in the U.S Instead the administration was relying On China which controlled 80 percent of The world's refined Cobalt Supply and Was also the world's leading producer of Refined lithium which is essential for Manufacturing Lithium-ion batteries Watch Thank you Mr chairman I just want to Come back Madam Secretary to this Trade-off between energy security and The radical climate change agenda that You've endorsed Which is less energy Security for America radical climate Change agenda Um on the subject of these sweeping Mandates related to electric vehicles That the Biden Administration has Imposed including now for our military The metals needed to make the Lithium-ion batteries in those vehicles Are of course lithium nickel graphite And Cobalt Now can you tell me what nation is the Largest producer of refined lithium in The world

No I can't it's China can you tell me Which nation is the largest producer of Refined Cobalt in the world no Senator It's China do you know what nation is The largest exporter of natural graphite To the United States globally No senator Senator it's China okay So in all of these instances these Mandates your decision to Trade off our energy Security in favor Of a radical climate change agenda is Making us more and more dependent on China and it Holly admitted that she didn't know China was a leading a producer of these Materials prompting Holly to ask why the Administration was blocking permits for Mines in the U.S that would allow the Country to develop these resources and Become less dependent on China he Accused the administration of Sacrificing American Energy security and Blue-collar jobs in favor of a radical Climate change agenda and Holland Responded by suggesting that the U.S Didn't have enough people to fill all The jobs prompting Holly to ask if she Was suggesting the country had too many Jobs for blue-collar workers he pointed Out that over 3 million jobs have been Lost to China in the last 20 years with Many of them coming from in Western Towns like the one he represented he Accused Holland of ignoring the concerns

Of blue-collar workers and prioritizing Green dreams over American Prosperity Watch Um but jobs for let me just say this Though the jobs For blue-collar workers in this nation Are valuable resources The livelihood and well-being of American families are valuable resources The ability of America to have our own Industry and not be dependent on China Is a valuable resource why should those Things For millions of Americans be sacrificed In in favor of your agenda for radical Climate change Senator I I know that uh there's like 1.9 jobs for every American So I know there's a lot of jobs wait a Minute wait a minute wait a minute wait A minute you're telling me You're telling me we've got too many Jobs in the country well well I'm saying That we don't have enough people that's Why we are having a hard time finding Folks to work at our department oh wait You're telling me that we have too many Jobs for Blue Collar work have you seen The number of jobs we have lost in this Country to China in the last 20 years do You know where those jobs come from over 3 million jobs have gone to China do you Know where those jobs have come from They've come out of Midwestern towns

Like the ones I represent they are blue Collar workers and you're sitting here And telling me that we have too many Jobs in this country Are you serious Are you serious The exchange between Holly and Holland Highlights the Deep divide between the Bite administration's environmental Policies and the concerns of American Workers while the Administration has Promised to create new jobs in the green Energy sector critics argue these jobs Are not enough to offset the losses in Traditional energy Industries like coal And oil They also point out that the U.S is Becoming increasingly dependent on China For critical materials like Cobalt and Lithium which could pose a national Security risk as the U.S seeks to Transition to a low-carbon economy it Must balance the needs of workers with The imperative of reducing greenhouse Gas emissions that's their stated goal The bite administrations argue that it Can do both but critics like Holly Remain skeptical they point out that the U.S has abundant natural resources that Could be developed to create good paying Jobs while also reducing dependence on China Senator hawley's exchange with interior Secretary Deb Holland highlights the

Bite administration's disregard for American workers and energy Security in Favor of a radical climate change agenda By prioritizing green dreams over blue Collar jobs the administration is Sacrificing the livelihoods of millions Of Americans and making the U.S more Dependent on China for critical Materials like Cobalt and lithium as the U.S seeks to transition to low carbon it Must do so in a way that creates new Jobs and reduces dependence on foreign Powers stay tuned to next news for more Breaking news on this critical issue and Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in your face Well it May not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I Love to use you'll be able to experience The healthy aging effects of collagen That it has on your skin as a result of Taking this for a week I've noticed a Significant reduction in the appearance Of wrinkles and fine lines on my face

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