‘I Think She’ll Be Trump’s VP’ — Greg Gutfeld Drops Massive News Live on Fox


In a recent live segment on Fox News, Greg Gutfeld made a bold prediction regarding President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick. Gutfeld, known for his witty commentary and insightful analysis, provided viewers with an exclusive insight into his thoughts on the matter. While keeping the candidate’s identity under wraps, Gutfeld hinted at a potential game-changer in the political arena. Read on to find out more about this exciting revelation made by Gutfeld and the reasons behind his prediction.

Heading 1: The Intriguing Revelation from Greg Gutfeld

During his appearance on Fox News, Greg Gutfeld left viewers with bated breath as he revealed his prediction for Trump’s vice presidential pick. With his usual flair for captivating storytelling, Gutfeld raised curiosity levels by skillfully withholding the nominee’s name. This strategic move served to pique interest and engage the audience, making them eagerly anticipate his further comments on the matter.

Heading 2: The Channel that Offers Exclusive Perks

As Gutfeld discussed the possibilities for Trump’s vice presidential candidate, he encouraged viewers to join his channel for exclusive perks. This clever promotional tactic not only engaged the audience but also provided them with an opportunity to delve deeper into Gutfeld’s insights and analysis. By becoming a part of his channel, dedicated viewers could ensure they didn’t miss out on any more groundbreaking predictions or discussions.

Heading 3: A Hint Towards the Ideal Vice President

Gutfeld touched upon a recent interview that hinted at the qualifications of the ideal vice president. While Gutfeld did not explicitly name the candidate, he cleverly alluded to specific traits and qualities that would make someone stand out as an excellent choice. This left viewers speculating and eagerly awaiting the final reveal from Gutfeld.

Heading 4: The Mystery Candidate’s Identity

Throughout the video, the mystery candidate’s identity remained a well-guarded secret. However, Gutfeld’s clever hinting and analysis left viewers with tantalizing clues to decipher. The suspense created through this approach ensured that audiences remained fully engaged, eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the potential vice president.

Heading 5: The Departure of Liz Cheney and the Reaction from Opposing Parties

Gutfeld drew comparisons between the departure of Liz Cheney and the reaction it caused among opposing parties. By highlighting the controversies surrounding Cheney’s exit, Gutfeld shed light on the potential impact Trump’s vice president pick could have on the political landscape. This analysis further fueled curiosity and anticipation among viewers.

Heading 6: Tulsi Gabbard: Praised for Individuality and Lack of Anger

Gutfeld heaped praise on Tulsi Gabbard for her individuality and lack of anger in today’s politically charged climate. Recognizing her ability to rise above partisan divides, Gutfeld highlighted Gabbard’s potential as Trump’s vice president pick. This unique perspective added depth to Gutfeld’s prediction, providing viewers with rational reasoning behind his choice.

Heading 7: Gutfeld’s Belief in Gabbard as Trump’s VP Choice

As the discussion progressed, Gutfeld made his viewpoint clear; he firmly believes that Tulsi Gabbard will be Trump’s vice president choice. Supporting this assertion, Gutfeld emphasized Gabbard’s courage in addressing anti-white racism and her appeal to those who identify as something other than white within the Democratic party. This novel perspective resonated with viewers and deepened their curiosity about Gutfeld’s prediction.

Heading 8: The Mention of Randy Weingarten as a Potential VP Pick

During the segment, Gutfeld mentioned Randy Weingarten as a potential vice president pick. Liked by Democrats for her conservative views, Weingarten presents an intriguing choice that could unite different factions within the party. Gutfeld’s acknowledgement of Weingarten’s candidacy added another layer of complexity and speculation for viewers to ponder.

Heading 9: Gutfeld’s Endorsement of a Unity Ticket and Gabbard’s Potential

Throughout the discussion, Greg Gutfeld expressed support for the idea of a unity ticket and his belief that Tulsi Gabbard could excel in this role. With his unique insight and engaging analysis, Gutfeld justified his endorsement by highlighting Gabbard’s ability to bridge political gaps and create a more cohesive understanding among citizens. This endorsement further solidified Gutfeld’s prediction and left viewers contemplating the possibilities.

Heading 10: Encouraging Comments for Suggestions on Trump’s VP Nominee

In a final interactive touch, Gutfeld encouraged viewers to leave comments suggesting who they believe Trump’s vice presidential nominee should be. This inclusive approach fostered a sense of community and engagement among viewers, allowing them to offer their own perspectives and predictions. This call for feedback reinforced the convivial nature of Gutfeld’s discussion and ensured the conversation extended beyond the video.


Greg Gutfeld’s live segment on Fox News provided viewers with a captivating glimpse into his prediction for Trump’s vice presidential pick. By skillfully withholding the candidate’s identity, Gutfeld generated intrigue and anticipation among his audience. Through his insights and analysis, Gutfeld shed light on potential choices, including Tulsi Gabbard and Randy Weingarten, leaving viewers with thought-provoking possibilities. As fans of Gutfeld eagerly await further updates, this revelation adds another layer of excitement to an already eventful political landscape.

(Note: This text is 720 words)

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