Hunter Biden EXPOSED (Literally)


In a recent video created by BlazeTV, the focus was on the alleged wrongdoings of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. The video sheds light on the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax filings and raises questions about potential cover-ups and special treatment.

The Strong Case of IRS Whistleblowers

The video starts by highlighting Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, two individuals who have blown the whistle on the alleged misconduct by the Bidens. According to the whistleblowers, they have a strong case against the Bidens, with allegations of money being made under the table and cover-ups by federal agents. Their testimonies have remained consistent and credible, adding weight to their claims.

Are the Walls Closing in on the Bidens?

As the video progresses, it explores the crucial question of whether the walls are closing in on the Bidens. It delves into the concerns raised by the whistleblowers and their implications. The evidence presented suggests that there may be more to this case than meets the eye.

Jim Jordan’s Support and Criticisms

The video not only focuses on the whistleblowers and their allegations but also highlights the support they have received from influential figures like Jim Jordan. Jordan expressed his backing for the whistleblowers and criticized the Justice Department for potentially hindering the investigation. This adds political weight to the allegations and raises additional questions about the validity of the investigation.

Extensive Experience in Investigating Tax Evasion Cases

Another significant aspect emphasized in the video is the extensive experience the whistleblowers have in investigating international tax evasion cases. This experience lends credibility to their claims and adds to the weight of evidence against Hunter Biden. It suggests that the information they provided should be taken seriously and warrants further investigation.

Details of Misconduct and Improper Deductions

One of the whistleblowers mentioned a meeting with supervisors where they revealed Hunter Biden’s alleged misconduct. Additionally, an email detailing the improper deductions made by Hunter Biden in his tax filings was sent. These specific instances of misconduct and improper deductions raise significant concerns about the accuracy and legality of Hunter Biden’s tax returns.

Limitations Faced by the U.S. Attorney in Delaware

The video highlights the limitations faced by the U.S. attorney in Delaware during the investigation into Hunter Biden. It suggests that the U.S. attorney was not given free reign to investigate the case fully, which raises questions about potential interference or a lack of commitment to pursuing justice. These limitations may have hindered the progress of the investigation and prevented a thorough examination of all relevant evidence.

Statute of Limitations and Lost Revenue

An important point raised in the video is the statute of limitations that has passed on some years of unpaid taxes by Hunter Biden. This has resulted in lost revenue for the government, which adds further gravity to the allegations against him. The failure to hold Hunter Biden accountable for these years of unpaid taxes is seen as a significant injustice.

Alleged Obstruction of Justice

The investigation into Hunter Biden is said to have been stymied by DOJ officials and other U.S. attorneys, according to the video. This alleged obstruction of justice raises concerns about the integrity of the investigation and the possible involvement of high-level individuals. It further fuels speculation about a potential cover-up.

In conclusion, the BlazeTV video exposes various allegations and concerns surrounding Hunter Biden’s tax filings and raises questions about potential cover-ups and misconduct. The IRS whistleblowers, Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, have presented a strong case against the Bidens, and their testimonies remain consistent and credible. With extensive experience in investigating international tax evasion cases, their claims deserve further scrutiny. However, it remains to be seen whether these allegations will lead to meaningful repercussions or if they will fade away without the justice being served.