How SHOULD America React to Hamas TERRORIST Attacks on Israel


In a recent video created by BlazeTV, the discussion revolves around the escalating conflict between Hamas terrorists and Israel. The video highlights various aspects of the attacks, including the involvement of Iran-backed plots and the implications for the United States. It also features personal accounts from individuals affected by the attacks and analysis from experts on the situation. This article will delve into the video and explore how America should respond to the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.

Israel’s Declaration of War

Israel has declared war following multiple attacks by Hamas terrorists. These attacks have caused havoc and destruction, instilling fear among the Israeli population. The video underscores the severity of the situation, asserting that Israel is faced with an imminent threat to its security and existence.

The Iranian-Backed and Coordinated Plot

The video sheds light on the disturbing revelation that the attacks on Israel were a result of an Iranian-backed and coordinated plot. This highlights the dangerous alliance between Iran and Hamas, with both entities united in their desire to destroy Israel. The involvement of Iran further complicates the situation, as they are known to be a state sponsor of terrorism.

The Biden Administration’s Role

It is essential to consider the role played by the Biden administration in this context. The video mentions that the recent decision to provide Iran with access to billions of dollars has raised concerns about the potential funding of extremist activities in the region. This action by the Biden administration has inadvertently given Iran the means to further support and empower Hamas, exacerbating the conflict.

The Determination to Destroy Israel

Iran and Hamas have displayed an unwavering determination to annihilate Israel. Their actions and rhetoric clearly demonstrate the extent of their hostility towards the nation. The video emphasizes the importance of recognizing this threat and taking appropriate measures to counter it effectively.

Glenn Beck’s Warning

An intriguing aspect of the video is Glenn Beck’s warning regarding the need for America to reassess its military resources in Ukraine. Beck argues that the situation in Israel demands immediate attention and resources from the United States. By redirecting our focus to Ukraine, America risks neglecting the urgent crisis unfolding in the Middle East.

Personal Accounts of the Attacks

The video features Fabian, an Israeli who shares his firsthand experiences of the recent attacks. He describes the shock and horror that swept through the nation and draws comparisons to previous wars in 1973 and 1948. Fabian’s account serves as a poignant reminder of the long-standing and profound impact of such attacks on the Israeli people.

Bravery and Resilience of Children

Fabian also praises his children for their remarkable bravery and resilience during this challenging time. Their ability to remain strong amidst the chaos is a testament to the Israeli spirit and the unwavering determination to protect their homeland. Their courage serves as an inspiration to many.

Analysis by Jason Buttrill

Jason Buttrill, a former military intelligence analyst, provides insights into how the attack was carried out. His analysis highlights the complexity and sophistication of Hamas’ operations and underscores the need for a strategic and well-coordinated response. Furthermore, he criticizes the response of Western governments and advocates for a return to the Abraham Accords, which fostered peace and stability in the region.

America’s Appropriate Response

In light of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, it is crucial for America to carefully consider its response. The video calls for a comprehensive approach that addresses the immediate security concerns of Israel while also addressing the broader geopolitical implications. A strong stance against terrorism, coupled with diplomatic efforts, can serve as an essential tool in combating extremism and promoting stability in the region.

In conclusion, the video created by BlazeTV highlights the gravity of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. It emphasizes the need for America to respond appropriately to this threat and provides valuable insights from various perspectives. By understanding the coordinated plot orchestrated by Iran, considering personal accounts of those affected, and listening to expert analysis, we can forge a more informed and effective path forward. It is imperative that America takes a decisive and strategic approach, empowering Israel and working towards resolving the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.