How Elites Robbed YOU of the American Dream | Ep 278


The American Dream is a concept that symbolizes the idea that everyone who works hard in America can achieve financial prosperity and upward mobility regardless of their background. However in recent years various socioeconomic factors along with left-wing policies have made achieving the American Dream more difficult than ever before. This article focuses on how the elites have robbed Americans of the American Dream making it a distant aspiration that seems far beyond reach.

Federal spending: a blockade to the American Dream

With the governments recent federal spending inflation and interest rates have increased making purchasing a house more difficult. This has made it harder for the middle class to fulfil a crucial aspect of the American Dream; owning a home. Inflation has also led to the devaluation of the US dollar making it harder for working-class Americans to save for the future.

Rampant Crime Homelessness and drug addiction

Left-wing policies have made the issues of crime homelessness and drug addiction seemingly impossible to solve. With high crime rates and the homeless population continuously increasing the threat of drug addiction and other related problems continues to loom over America. Left-wing policies or the lack thereof have contributed to the worsening of these issues making the American Dream far-fetched for millions of Americans.

Regulated everything under the sun

Currently the government seems to regulate everything under the sun and these regulations often prove detrimental to achieving the American Dream. With energy costs skyrocketing and the mandatory push for electric cars the working-class is being hit the hardest. Left-wing regulations such as these make it harder for the lower and middle class to achieve economic growth as these regulations often come at a price they cannot afford.

Democrats Crime and the George Floyd Incident

As the country continues to grapple with police brutality and crime the Democrats response to these issues has been chaotic. Rather than solving the problem their policies have allowed crime to thrive across the nation. These inadequate policies have resulted in more and more Americans feeling like the American Dream is something that is far beyond their reach.


In conclusion the American Dream once an achievable aspiration for people of all classes seems to be a distant dream for most Americans. Left-wing policies have made it increasingly difficult for the working-class to fight for their dreams with crime homelessness and drug addiction continuing to run rampant. Federal spending along with the constant regulations being put in place has made achieving the American Dream more difficult than ever before. The administrations climate obsession and the lack of effective policies for combating racism in America has also contributed to robbing Americans of this dream. Therefore for the American Dream to be a shared aspiration again policies that benefit all Americans are needed regardless of political beliefs.