Hospitals Made Bank off COVID-19 – It’s Time They Pay It Back

Hospitals Made Bank off COVID-19– Its Time They Pay It Back


The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc around the world and has drastically changed life as we know it. From economic collapse to loss of life its effects have been catastrophic. One such industry that has reaped significant financial benefits during this time is healthcare. Hospitals have made substantial profits as a result of the pandemic and now its time for them to pay it back.

How Hospitals Made Bank During COVID-19

Since the beginning of the pandemic healthcare has been at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19. Hospitals have made considerable efforts to treat patients limit the spread of the virus and administer vaccines. However in addition to their noble endeavors hospitals have also pocketed vast sums of money during the period.

Here are some of the ways hospitals have made a considerable profit from COVID-19:

  • Increase in demand for hospital beds and equipment
  • Government incentives and grants for healthcare providers
  • Insurance payouts for COVID-19-related hospitalization
  • Significant amounts earned from performing COVID-19 tests and additional screening measures

The industry has undoubtedly made significant contributions to society but its crucial to acknowledge the financial benefits that have resulted from this pandemic. Unfortunately not all of the profits made have been allocated towards aiding the fight against the virus.

Its Time Hospitals Pay It Back

While many frontline workers and healthcare providers have been tirelessly working to save lives hospital owners and shareholders have been profiting from the pandemic. Its now time for the healthcare industry to repay society for the benefits reaped from the current health crisis.

Here are some of the ways the healthcare industry can pay it back:

  • Increased funding towards vaccine research and distribution
  • Financial assistance for COVID-19-affected individuals and families
  • Investment in public health measures and resources
  • Contributing to existing or creating new healthcare programs that could help vulnerable populations

How One America News Network (OAN) is Supporting the Fight Against COVID-19

In addition to holding healthcare providers accountable some media outlets are also helping to support the fight against COVID-19. One such media company is One America News Network (OAN). OAN is a conservative-leaning news network that strives to provide fact-based news for its viewers.

Here are some of the ways OAN is supporting the fight against COVID-19:

  • Providing viewers with up-to-date information on the pandemic
  • Offering a video player to watch the full show on their website
  • Launching a social platform called Free Talk where users can post chat and connect with others without censorship or shadowbanning
  • OAN is on various social media platforms such as Facebook Twitter and Instagram which they use to disseminate factual information related to the pandemic
  • OANs live content can be watched on KlowdTV for a subscription starting at $2.50 per month.


Theres no denying that healthcare has played a vital role in our battle against COVID-19. However its time to hold the industry accountable for its profits and allocate them accordingly. Its critical for hospitals to contribute to the fight against the virus by investing in research and development healthcare programs and financial assistance for affected individuals and families. Additionally media companies such as OAN can aid in the efforts by providing factual information to the public. Lets work together to support each other during these challenging times and ensure that our society comes out stronger in the end.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews