Holiness at Sea: How Faith Rebuilt a Pier Destroyed by Hurricane Sandy

Holiness at Sea: How Faith Rebuilt a Pier Destroyed by Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy was a destructive force That swept through the Eastern Seaboard In 2012 leaving in its wake a trail of Devastation one of the victims of this Powerful storm was the Ocean Grove Pier In New Jersey but instead of wallowing a Despair the community decided to rebuild The pier as a symbol of their faith and Devotion this act of resilience has Drawn both criticism and admiration but Regardless of what other people say the Cross-shaped pier serves as a testament To the power of faith and determination I'm Gary franchi I want to keep up with The latest news tap subscribe and enable Your notifications Before I get to that our widespread food Shortages next it looks like it it feels Like it'll hit at any moment are you Ready have you stocked up for at least Three months if not click more below and Check out prepare with gary.com for new Lower prices save 200 on a three-month Emergency food kit plus free shipping Visit preparewithgary.com right now and Save two hundred dollars per kit now Back to the news During Hurricane Sandy which hit the New Jersey coast on October 29th of 2012 a Christian vacation Community founded by Methodist ministers lost its beloved Peer Ocean Grove a summer vacation Destination with a population of 8 000 Is celebrating the resurrection of the

Pier differently this year it's shaped Like a cross watch The Jersey Shore Beach Town of Ocean Grove is cutting the ribbon tomorrow on A new pier built in the shape of a cross The 500 foot long pier replaces one Destroyed by superstorm Sandy in 2012. Some residents have objected to the Pier's shape expressing concerns over Putting a religious symbol in a public Beach space but the president of the Organization back in the project says Americans are free to exercise religion Even in public places amen amen indeed During super storm Sandy in 2012 the Storm destroyed 346 000 homes it killed 38 people and caused 300 billion dollars in Damages in New Jersey alone on April 15th the day it Opened to the public the newly Constructed cross-shaped Pier was Consecrated to God it's possible that a Bible quote will be added to one of the Benches on the pier in the future Michael Badger who's the president of The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association Which is a Methodist Ministry that owns All the land and houses in the Ocean Grove neighborhood said that the Overwhelming majority of feedback on the Shape of the pier has been positive However some complained according to Badger the ratio of positive to negative Feedback has been 80 to 1.

The Ocean Grove Pier stands as a Testament to the resilience and Determination of a community that Refused to be beaten down by tragedy the Cross-shaped pier may have drawn Criticism from some but those who see it As a symbol of Faith and Hope cannot be Deterred the peer is a reminder that Even in the face of Devastation our Faith can sustain us and Inspire us to Rebuild and create something beautiful Out of the ruins this community has Proven that their faith is stronger than Any storm and that they will continue to Draw strength from it let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report I'd Like to ask you a question are Widespread food shortages the next big Thing as far as I can tell it looks like It whenever I look around it seems like Everything is going to come crashing Down at any moment you're ready aren't You are you prepared with at least three Months worth of food stocked up in case Of an emergency well you can find new Lower prices for my Patriot Supply if You tap more below and go to Preparewithgary.com where you'll find New lower prices from my Patriot Supply In addition save two hundred dollars on A three-month emergency food kit and get Free shipping as well there's enough

Food in this kit to nourish one person For a solid three months the kit Includes breakfast lunches dinners Drinks and snacks it provides you with 2 000 calories a day which will keep you Full and satisfied throughout the day Now is the perfect time for you to save Two hundred dollars on our prepare with Gary.com kit the kits will be shipped to You fast and free of charge that's Prepared with gary.com we'll see you the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign