Hillary Clinton’s Birthday present: Being Arrested 😭


Hillary Clinton’s birthday is here again which means it is time to celebrate. However for some people this celebration is different. They want to see Hillary arrested. This might seem odd but there are many reasons why people want this. In this article we will dive deep into why people want Hillary arrested on her birthday and what they hope the future holds.

Reasons Why People Want to See Hillary Arrested

  • Corruption Allegations:
    Many people believe that Hillary Clinton has been involved in many corruption scandals throughout her political career. This includes the Benghazi attack Uranium One deal and the Clinton Foundation. They believe that she should be held accountable for her actions and that arresting her would be a step towards justice.

  • National Security:
    There are also concerns about national security. Many people believe that Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information when she was Secretary of State. This includes using a private email server for official business. People are worried that this put the country at risk and they believe that she should be held accountable for her actions.

  • Personal Vendettas:
    There are some people who simply do not like Hillary Clinton. They have a personal vendetta against her and want to see her suffer. They believe that arresting her would be the ultimate punishment.

The Interview

In honor of Hillary Clinton’s birthday we decided to interview some people who want to see her arrested. We asked them to say something nice about her as a birthday present.

Unfortunately none of our interviewees were willing to say anything nice about Hillary Clinton. Instead they referred to her as the devil and hoped that she would be arrested soon. They did not wish her a happy birthday and instead joked about her potential arrest by saying boom roasted.”


In conclusion there are many reasons why people want to see Hillary Clinton arrested on her birthday. Some believe that she has been involved in corruption scandals while others are concerned about national security. There are also some who simply have a personal vendetta against her. Unfortunately our interviews did not yield any positive results with all interviewees refusing to say anything nice about Clinton. While the legality of Clinton’s actions May be up for debate it is clear that she has created strong opinions among the public.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews