Hillary Clinton Demands ‘Formal DE-PROGRAMMING’ of Trump Supporters | ‘MAGA is a Cult’ | GULAGS?!


In a recent video by conservative commentator Benny Johnson, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made some shocking remarks about Trump supporters. In an interview with Nancy Pelosi, Clinton referred to Trump supporters as a cult and suggested that they need to be deprogrammed. She even went as far as comparing the Make America Great Again movement to a cult and invoked the imagery of gulags. These remarks have sparked outrage and controversy among conservatives, highlighting the deep divisions in American politics.

The Desperation and Bitterness of Clinton’s Remarks

Hillary Clinton’s remarks demonstrate a level of desperation and bitterness that is unbecoming of a former presidential candidate. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue, she chose to dehumanize and denigrate a significant portion of the American population. With around 75 million American voters supporting the Make America Great Again movement, her dismissive attitude towards them is both astonishing and troubling.

Accusing Trump Supporters of Blind Loyalty

Clinton’s comments reflect the narrative pushed by some Democrats and the media that Trump supporters are mindless followers who take their cues from Donald Trump. However, this oversimplification ignores the diverse range of reasons why people support Trump. From a sense of empowerment to nostalgia for a time when they felt their voices were heard, Trump supporters are driven by a variety of factors that cannot simply be reduced to blind loyalty.

The Extremism Narrative

Labeling Trump supporters as a cult and likening their movement to a dangerous ideology is not only misleading but also dangerous in itself. This level of extremism within the Republican Party is unprecedented and undermines the possibility of constructive dialogue and compromise. By painting Trump supporters as extremists, Clinton further deepens the divide between the two parties, making it even more challenging to find common ground.

Divisive Tactics and the Goals of Authoritarians

Clinton’s comments align with the tactics often employed by authoritarian leaders to seize and maintain power. By dividing and dehumanizing people, the goal is to create an “us versus them” mentality that fuels division and social unrest. Suggesting that Trump supporters need to be deprogrammed is a clear example of this tactic, as it portrays them as brainwashed individuals who need to be brought back into the fold.

The Dehumanization of Conservative Christians and the Working Class

This is not the first time the Democratic Party has engaged in the dehumanization of certain groups. For years, conservative Christians and the working class have been the target of similar rhetoric. The Democratic Party’s dismissal of their values and concerns has only served to alienate these groups further. Clinton’s remarks about Trump supporters perpetuate this pattern, further widening the gap between Democrats and these vital segments of the population.

Understanding the Reasons Behind Trump’s Support

To truly comprehend the phenomenon of Trump’s support, one must acknowledge that there are a multitude of reasons why people rallied behind him. From a desire for change to a belief in his ability to put America first, Trump’s appeal resonated with millions of Americans. Clinton’s remarks fail to recognize the complexities behind this support and instead reduce it to a brainwashed cult mentality.

Echoes of the “Basket of Deplorables”

Clinton’s recent comments about Trump supporters are reminiscent of her infamous “basket of deplorables” comment during the 2016 presidential campaign. Once again, she showcases her dismissive attitude towards those who hold opposing political views. This type of rhetoric is counterproductive and further fuels the already intense polarization in American politics.

In conclusion, Hillary Clinton’s demand for the formal deprogramming of Trump supporters and her comparison of the Make America Great Again movement to a cult show a level of desperation and bitterness that is unbecoming of a former presidential candidate. Such divisive remarks only serve to deepen the divide in American politics and perpetuate a cycle of hostility and misunderstanding. It is essential that we strive for unity and understanding rather than resorting to dehumanizing tactics that only serve the interests of divisive authoritarians.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews