Twitter with its updated ownership has Taken real measures to become the public Scare everyone knows it could be with Its latest pro-capitalism move Elon Musk Is working overtime to enhance the Platform with Innovative features and Revamped old ideas how much crankshaw Your freedom is at stake get the news it Impacts America tap subscribe to Preserve it Twitter is making a bold move in the Social media sphere by launching a Program that allows users to offer paid Subscriptions to their content This is a clear sign that Twitter is Committed to more than just providing a Platform for free speech it wants all Creators to have a voice on its platform The program called subscriptions Fitting name is similar to Twitter's Previous super follows tool which Allowed users to access subscription Only content This revamped approach is more promising As it promises to maximize the Creator's Prosperity and the best part Twitter Will keep none of the money for the next Year allowing subscribers to support Their favorite voices If true I mean in true capitalist style Twitter CEO Elon Musk said that users can offer Subscriptions for anything from Long-form texts to hours long videos and
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For the first year Twitter won't take a Penny from any of the subscriptions this Means creators will receive all the Money they earn from the subscriptions They offer for that first year Twitter also promises to promote these Creators work Ensuring that their voices can be heard Across the platform so this new program Offers a unique opportunity for Conservative creators to monetize their Work while simultaneously building a Community of supporters that value their Opinions and with the ability to set Monthly prices ranging from 299 to 9.99 Creators can offer their work at a rate That works best for them It's also worth noting that subscribers Will earn up to 97 percent of the Revenue Twitter Twitter collects from Their subscriptions after in-app Purchase fees up to fifty thousand Dollars in lifetime earnings Even after the fifty thousand dollar Threshold is passed subscribers will Still receive a healthy eighty percent Of the revenue what do you think Twitter's new subscriptions program is a Dream come true for creators it offers a Chance to monetize their content and Build a community of supporters they can Connect with the promise that Twitter Will keep none of the money is also a Huge plus giving subscribers the peace
Of mind that their money is directly Supporting their favorite creators this Is a bold move for Twitter And we hope that other social media Platforms follow suit and prioritize the Prosperity of their videos it's always Nice when your employer or somebody You're working for likes to see you make Money That's always nice let us know what you Think in the comments below for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw and We'll see you at the next report Thank you Thank you for watching that report using Ad blockers while browsing the web is Now recommended by the FBI in a new Report it's revealed that an identity Theft occurs every 22 seconds the risks Of identity fraud data breaches account Hacks and more has never been greater Today's sponsored virtual Shield has Been my go-to security program for the Past year and with virtual Shield I can Browse the internet anonymously Protecting myself my data and my Finances from cyber criminals virtual Shield is an industry-leading VPN that Offers anonymous browsing strict no Logging policy unlimited bandwidth and Built-in malware and ad blocking you can Start browsing the internet anonymously By using my link below or simply by Going to nextnews and
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