Hawley EXPLODES Over Dems Putting SCOTUS Justices Lives at RISK

I hope that we don't have to see another Assassination attempt I hope we don't Have to have a Justice actually killed Before this body will take judicial Security seriously thank you very much Mr chairman thanks to all of the Witnesses for being here I want to talk About This letter That I think 11 Democrat Senators signed Dated March 31st 202 it's to members of The Appropriations Committee I'm just Looking here at signatories it includes Quite a number of members of this Committee as well as others this is a Very interesting letter to me And I just want to look a little bit at Some of the language and what these Senators are are asking for they say That Congress ought to impose a code on The Supreme Court they say Congress has Broad authority to compel the Supreme Court to Institute reforms compel And then they go on and say congress's Appropriations power is one tool for Achieving these changes compel now we're Going to compel the court we're going to Use the Appropriations power how to do It well they're very specific Congress Should withhold Appropriations Withhold Appropriations and then they go On to say Nothing Stops Congress from treating the Judiciary any differently than any other

Entity of government when faced with Judicial recalcitrance so here we have Judicial recounts these darn judges Won't do what we tell them to do so We're going to compel them to do what we Want and we're going to use the Appropriations power all right what Appropriations will they ask for 10 Million dollars to be withheld that's an Interesting number to me 10 million Dollars 10 million dollars why 10 Million dollars well let's have a look At the Supreme Court's 2024 budget Requests what do we see Well we see four million dollars of Requests for security funding from the Chips Act Four million dollars then we see an Additional six million dollars of more Security funding that the court is Asking for this is their 2024 budget Request Supreme Court it's asking for 4 Million in security funding from one Source and another 6 million over and Above four plus six equals ten ten Million dollars of security funding that The court is specifically asking for This year in their budget request And that just happens to be magically The exact same number that my Democrat Colleagues want to deny the Supreme Court unless they stop their judicial Recalcitrance and submit to the Compulsion of this body

So in other words The threat is we will deny you security Unless you do what we want let me say it Again we will deny you security unless You do what we want we had an assassin Come to the home of Justice Kavanaugh And try to murder him We have had credible threats on the Lives of other justices And now members of this body say we will Deny you security for you your families Your children unless you do what we want Extraordinary Extraordinary judge mccasey can I just Ask you Long time distinguished jurist former Attorney General of this country Do you think it's appropriate to Threaten the security of justice as the United States and their families In order to get them to comply with the Wishes of this body No have you have you heard of something Like this being done before I have not I haven't either And I have to say at a time when we have Had three different credible Assassination attempts or threats Against justices we still have people Illegally going to the Justice's homes To attempt to influence their decisions In cases no one has been prosecuted for Those violations

We have Constant threats and danger to their Children we had radicals tell uh Post-publicly the school location of one Of the Justice's children and in that Context to say that we will deny them Millions of dollars in security funding Unless they do what this body wants I Think is the height of irresponsibility And frankly I I can't believe that I'm Seeing it I guess it's just of a piece With what we've seen from the majority Leader who said that what was it Schumer He said Kavanaugh and and of course such That you will reap the Whirlwind well I Guess we're we're reaping the Whirlwind Now that they're just on their own Unless this judicial recalcitrant stops I hope that we don't have to see another Assassination attempt I hope we don't Have to have a Justice actually killed Before this body will take judicial Security seriously and stop its attempts To coerce an independent branch of Government thank you Mr chairman