Greta Thunberg Predicted The World Would End TODAY | Are You Dead Yet!?


Hello there! We are here to discuss one of the most controversial topics of our times – climate change. Over the past several years, it has been a hot topic of discussion and debate among people across the globe. While some people believe the world is coming to an end due to climate change, others believe that this is just another propaganda.

In recent times, one of the most prominent voices in the climate change debate has been Greta Thunberg. She has made headlines across the world with her passionate speeches and protests, demanding immediate action to combat climate change. However, it is her prediction of the world ending today, which has gained much attention and drew many criticisms.

In this article, we will debunk some myths surrounding Greta Thunberg’s doomsday predictions and highlight the reality of the climate change issue.

Greta Thunberg Predicted The World Would End Today

The Left has used fear tactics about the world ending soon

Climate change is a real and pressing issue that needs attention, but it is often used as a fear tactic by the political Left. They have projected a sense of urgency that the world is ending soon, leading to mass hysteria and panic among people.

The Left has also used doom and gloom scenarios about the future of our planet to push their agendas despite the lack of evidence to support these claims.

Greta Thunberg predicted the world would end in 5 years, five years ago

In 2015, Greta Thunberg stated that we had only five years left to stop climate change. Her statement quickly went viral, and people started panic about the end of the world. However, it has been five years since her prediction; we are still here, living our lives.

We are still alive, thus her prediction was wrong

It is 2020, and the world has not ended. We are still ticking, and our planet is still spinning. Greta’s prediction was inaccurate, and it created unnecessary panic among people.

Greta Thunberg was mocked for her failed prediction

After her prediction failed, the media and internet trolls were quick to mock and criticize Greta. Many accused her of spreading false fearmongering propaganda, questioning her credibility in the climate change debate.

Her job now is to stand for photo opportunities during her arrests

Recently, many have accused Greta Thunberg of using her activism as a means to get media attention. Many of her speeches and protests are staged only for the cameras and generate a controversy to have a camera drawn towards her. She is often photographs sitting or standing in front of police vehicles when getting arrested for her activism. These actions are entirely rehearsed for the sake of a photo-op.

The climate cult has yet to have any prediction come true

Despite the doom and gloom predictions, pushed by the climate change activists, none of them have come true. The predictions made by these cult-like figures have all been in the wrong ballpark.

There’s never been a set date for the end of the world but the dire warnings spouted by climate cult evangelists never come to fruition. The apocalypse never happens. We need to start taking action based on scientific reasoning, and not on emotionally charged and unverified claims.

Rebel News interviewed Greta about her climate change activism

Rebel News recently interviewed Greta Thunberg, asking hard-hitting questions about her activism, beliefs about climate change, and the methods used to push her agenda.

Greta was asked about her rehearsed arrest, her knowledge of climate change, her travel, and her stance on violence or Antifa. Her responses were carefully worded and lacked clarity and depth.


In conclusion, the world has not ended, and it is still here with us. Greta’s prediction of the world ending has been a massive blunder in the vast field of science. Climate change is a real and pressing issue that needs attention, but it should be done based on scientific reasoning and not fearmongering. We need to stop using climate change as a political agenda, and we need to start thinking of the constructive ways to combat this problem.

Finally, Greta Thunberg’s activism has caught the attention of many, but we should not put blind faith in her. People need to do their research and question her agenda, as they should with any controversial issue.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews