I'm a concerned grandparent with Grandchildren in this school district we Raise four of our own kids here I Usually don't get involved like this but I can't sit back and I'm Mad I'm here because I could not believe What I was hearing and seeing on our National news and in our Everywhere about this shower incident in The girls locker room it's all over the News and this happened way back in March And was kept secret until now in my Opinion First you try to spin it by saying That what was reported was false now You're admitting that this 18 year old Transgender Person did go into this girl's shower With girls in there That person is an adult in my opinion This shouldn't be a criminal matter not Uh let's just brush it under the carpet Matter These girls were violated and this Should and I have four girls so I Understand That if this was my kid girls this well This would be a whole different talk Um These girls were violated and this Should be considered sexual harassment No matter Where who were violated
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And how you can spin it I ask you all you sitting up there There are supposed to be protecting our Kids Keeping our kids safe when in the world Would it ever be permissible for someone With male body parts To shower [Music] Go into a locker room Strip naked and walk into a shower with 14 year old girls When well I guess They're allowed to be doing it now in Sun Prairie and that's Sick my question now is how are you Planning to keep anyone with male body Parts out of a place where girls should Have felt safe Foreign but can no longer be safe you Have to have anticipated this back when You were Felt it In your control to teach be teaching our Five-year-olds about gender identity Without parents permission why wasn't There a policy in place Now you are saying there is a policy in Place well what the hell is it [Music] But I you back [Music]