Hello America I want to talk to you today in fact this Program needs to begin and end with one Message Stand up it is time for us to be people Of God But first This message from rough greens your dog Is uh Is the most special thing in the world And we want our dogs to be healthy and Happy as a pet owner that's what you Want right That good boy or good girl is our Family's best friend and the memories That we have We want to keep them as healthy as Possible if you're feeding your dog Kibble food it it doesn't have the Nutrition and everything in it because It has to have a long shelf life two Years thanks to the government it has to Be able to sit on a shelf for two years Without it going bad well you can't do That you have to cook everything that is Good and alive out of it this is where Naturopathic Dr Dennis black came in Just a few years ago he created rough Greens and from personal experience with My own dog Uno I can tell you the stuff Works wonders my dog eats he eats Without any coaxing he loves it it's not A dog food you just put this on top of The food and they love it and has the
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Probiotics and antioxidants and vitamin Vitamins and nutrients on everything Your dog needs so get your first bag Free go to roughgreens.com Beck that's Roughgreens.com Beck Okay Uh Uh we are on the eve of Earth Day Did you cut down your tree and decorate It in your house yet Earth Day is something that is Relatively new in comparison to the age Of the Earth Um it's the day that everybody Celebrates this great planet right Now Earth Day is not about the Earth it is Actually and I'm quoting an annual Celebration that honors the achievements Of the environmental movement end quote Wait so why is it Earth Day The left has not set this day aside to Honor or contemplate this amazing planet We live on no the progressives want you To celebrate and honor them To memorialize according to the official Earth Day website the anniversary of the Birth of the modern environmental Movement in 1970. this is crazy Well I just have to say I'm not going to Worship at the feet of you know the False prophets of the environmental Movement I serve the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I look for the truth God
Is the father of my soul the god of Creation He created the Earth And that's a lot bigger than anything Some environmentalist whack job has done So let's celebrate Earth Day for a Second I have a ranch in Southern Idaho I bought it when I lived in New York the One thing I noticed when I got there Were the stars living in New York City You never see the stars One of the joys of being at the ranch is Stepping outside on a moonless night and Just looking up the Milky Way it's Three-dimensional you can see the colors Because there's no lights anywhere And it is an incredible way to look back At our Earth And then also Back to our past our history for Millions of years You contemplate the significance and Insignificance The same God that created our Magnificent Earth created the universe The Story Goes the first day God created Light and said that it was good and the Second day he created the firmament the Atmosphere Third Day oceans land plant Life fourth day sun moon stars and then God said let there be lights in the Firmament of the Heavens to divide the Day from night and let them be for signs And seasons and days and years
And God made two great lights the Greater to Rule the Day the Lesser to Rule the night he also made the Stars Genesis 1 14-16 now it's amazing to me I Mean the framers of the Bible paid close Attention to the Sun and Moon because They have an amazing impact on our Planet day to day even whether we're Warm or cold But it was interesting to me that the Mention of stars is almost like an Afterthought he made Stars also Consider this fact Scientists now believe there are 200 to 400 billion stars in our own Galaxy and The Milky Way is the only one that they Estimate to be 100 to 500 billion Galaxies okay 500 billion Galaxies the largest galaxy scientists Have discovered has over a hundred Trillion Suns Today all of the galaxies in the visible Universe contain an incomprehensible 30 Billion trillion stars or Suns And that's just what we can see today Foreign makes you feel small and makes The planet even feel small and trivial But look at it this way this Earth Day In the midst of all of that creating God Could took time to form our son to give Us a planet on which we could live and And things could live plants could live Because of light and life Our planet is perfectly positioned not
Too close to the Sun so it's not too hot Not too far away from the sun too cold Our Earth is situated so that a vast Variety of animals and planets and Animals and greens and people can thrive Photosynthesis is just a miracle it Allows plants to convert light into a Substance that we can eat and then to Release oxygen into the air so we can Breathe and then us breathing out Gives the trees things to breathe it is Amazing in all of the mass swirling Complexities of the universe God took Care to make sure that this place Was established to sustain the kind of Life we need to progress to progress There are so So many reasons we can feel Insignificant But then again we were so important to Him that he provided a place for us that Would ensure not just our survival but Our advancement we do need to take care Of that place It's amazing When Moses was on Mount Sinai he saw the Beautiful boundless universe and said I Know now man is nothing Yet the very existence of our own Earth The meticulous care that God could took To create it for us testifies that the Worth of souls is great in the eyes of God it's a paradox of Man compared to God man is nothing yet we are everything
To God Looking up at the billions and trillions Of stars When I'm standing at our Ranch and it is Dark You first sense a real insignificance Because of the Grandeur and the scope of It all But when you're standing there you also Experience a sense of wonder an Elation Mingled with peace the feeling of awe The inner knowledge sometimes buried Deep inside that we are important to God The Beauty and the Majesty of this Earth Testifies to his existence So I do celebrate Earth Day Honor this planet this Splendid Blue Dot That was created for you The most powerful being in all of Existence created this Earth for us And you as an individual because he Knows you and he loves you and then we Have to pass it on to the next Generation I hath Not Seen Nor Ear heard neither Have entered into the heart of man the Things which God has prepared for them That love him Happy Earth Day Our sponsor we're going to come back With some uh some crazy clips from the Week when Um when blanket found out that she was
Expecting She started looking for a clinic she Could go to she found a pre-born network Clinic This was her fourth child Uh she didn't know how she was going to Deal with it she did the pressure from All those around her they all said you Got to terminate this and the pressure She said was enormous But thankfully the clinic staff treated Her with such kindness and compassion That it gave her the courage to keep Going despite the opinions of others and To celebrate her decision the clinic Threw her a baby shower for and uh and Continued to provide help and support Even after the baby arrived I've met her This Is an amazing group of people that not Only care about the life of The Unborn But care about Mom and Dad and the whole Family And for 28 dollars you can sponsor a Life-changing ultrasound and write a new Story donations of any size size go to Saving babies and caring for moms and All contributions are tax deductible When you give you're going to receive Some pictures and stories of lives your Gift helped rescue so dial pound 250 Pound 250 keyword baby or you can go to The website preborn.com Glenn
Preborn.com Glenn uh all right let me Tell you about Um Let me tell you about Kamala Harris She's so funny she's laughing all the Time Um actually I want you to pay attention More to the kids sitting next to her Um Because I think He's not alone in his question watch did You go into space and if you had the Chance and if You're willing to stay out there for him Is that a request Yes it is Kamala we'd like you to go Into space just how long can we keep you There You're going to be exploring all kinds Of new Things you should go right away now The Inspector General for Afghanistan Had to testify in front of Congress And he was asked what I believe is a Pretty easy question It should be maybe Well definitely towards the top but I Think at the top of his job description Listen to this unfortunately As I sit here today I cannot assure this Committee or the American taxpayer we Are not currently funding the Taliban Did you have to tell me this on tax tax
Week You can't assure me that we're not Currently funding the Taliban by the way They're having a big freedom rally uh up In Michigan in the the little teeny town That is now they're supposed to be Building this giant communist Chinese Factory in this town uh and uh and the The factory has in their bylaws Um All this stuff about the Communist party They have to start a Communist Party Group a little uh let's invite kids Group for the Communist party uh it's Crazy it is crazy and it's getting all Kinds of funding from the state of Michigan yeah yeah the governor is like I think that's I think communism is cool That same company they're making Batteries uh for electric vehicles and That same company appears to be buying The lithium that will be shipped here Into the United States for those Batteries They're buying it from the Taliban So no I don't think you can guarantee You know in any way shape or form no one Can and I think we should maybe look at Our priorities the next the next cut is From a guy who Is an extreme leftist I mean is a guy Who you know to save the planet would Take your stove take your car everything Else and tell you how to live
However The New York Times has turned on him Because He is Uh trying to end this Public private partnership that's going On right now and he's his big concern is Pharma Well Robert there's a little more than Just Pharma but I want you to listen to What he says My mission over the next 18 months of This campaign And over my throughout my presidency Will be to end the corrupt merger of State and corporate power that is Threatening now Is threatening out to impose a new kind Of corporate feudalism in our country To commoditize our children our purple Mountain's Majesty To poison our our children and our People With chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs To strip mine our assets to hollow out The middle class and keep us in a Constant state of War Okay happen to agree with him strangely Robert F Kennedy I never thought I would Agree well you know what the New York Times says about him now uh His uh the biggest problem about him is He is suddenly a man for individual Freedom
Is Isn't Our Hope Country about individual Freedom they Are so willing to just say nobody's for Individual Freedom anymore what are you Crazy that's how far They have gone and one last uh clip I'm Going to leave you with I'm going to Leave you with this Um It's very controversial Or It's just a man saying what he believes And maybe we should listen watch why Don't we just pair up I'm not into Touching okay I'm not let me put that Out front I'm no touching no touching I Won't touch you I was paired up with Isaac he was like No touching I was like oh this is gonna Be fun the music will start the boys Will turn around right Gentlemen let's Turn Gorgeous and then we start walking yeah One two three four five six seven eight Three two three four five six seven Eight and then maybe let's look at the Gentleman gentlemen you guys can Acknowledge us ooh who is this oh I'm Sorry I'm sorry I can't do this I can't Do it I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a man of God I can't do this oh no Yeah I love those people I pray for them I would never do anything to hurt them Or condemn them but men are not supposed
To dress like women I'm not going to go Along go along with that it's time to Step up and be a man of God