Glenn Breaks Down the EXPLOSIVE Ron DeSantis vs Disney BATTLE

Disney filed suit against Ron DeSantis Yesterday Because they say he's just playing games And doesn't have right to do what he did And I I thoroughly uh disagree with uh With that but I don't think people Understand What Ron DeSantis Did You know I think they just see oh he got Into a fight with Disney and he could Lose and I think it would be very bad For him to lose this it's fascinating Political story for sure because you Know what's the argument for Rhonda Santos to be president it's not that he Fights with the media I mean Donald Trump already fights with the media the Argument for DeSantis is that he does These things in a a more Professionalized way and he scores real Victories where Trump again I'm not Saying I endorse this argument but like Trump gets in fights he's you know Thinking about himself he likes the Press coverage but there's no policy win That comes out of that no real pushback Where the argument with DeSantis is Competency right the argument is he's Running a state he's winning elections By big margins and when he enters in one Of these big fights he wins it and he Scores a real policy Victory Um you know if he loses this against

Disney there's a huge dent in that idea And one person who will notice that is Named Donald Trump and he will be Pointing this out all the time he's Already started correct um now I don't Know that you can say at this point that DeSantis has lost this uh you know he The the back and forth is still up in The air now Disney's suing but that's Going to go on probably through this Entire campaign so people need to Understand Uh what happened where what deal you're Even talking about it's 1964 and Somebody is buying up all the land in Florida just Hundreds and hundreds and thousands of Acres and the Press is starting to Speculate and they think that it's maybe Ford McDonald Douglas Boeing or Lockheed Disney isn't even in the running because Disney was courting San uh St Louis And he was serious about making another Disneyland in St Louis but because St Louis is known for Brewing brewing Companies Um and he wouldn't allow beer in the Park he knew that was going to be a Sticking point so he continued to Negotiate with them while they decided On Florida okay now in Saint Louis he Would have built another just Disneyland But Walt was driven by he didn't want

The theme park that's not what he was Building in Florida it was called the Florida project and he did not want to Build the theme park his brother forced Him to build the Magic Kingdom first Because he's like your dream is very Expensive and we're gonna have to pay For it so we're selling tickets so you Can do the other And so what Walt wanted was complete Rights to the land Disney World is The closest thing you will ever get to Uh like a Native American reservation Where the United States has really Nothing to say Florida has nothing to Say it's as close to its own country As possible And that's because Disney was selling Everybody that he was going to go to San Francisco or to St Louis and every state Wanted him because they saw what it did To Anaheim and to California And Disney had said in like 64 when I do This I will make uh this the number one Destination in the world So he held all of the cards in 64. So he starts buying things up nobody Knows behind the scenes he's talking to Uh Governor Burns I think was his name In Florida and he makes all kinds of Deals with Florida without anybody Knowing it in the Press

He had the right to have a nuclear power Plant On Disney property okay he had Unbelievable rights all trash he could Take care of and take care of all the Trash in process because he was going to Do all of these experiments to redesign American cities so he wanted this large Scope where he could do just about Anything okay That's what Ron DeSantis is taking away Okay now Walt died in 66 or I mean 65 The governor in Walt Disney and Roy Disney said hey Disney Florida project It's coming to Florida and it was a big Hoopla But in 66 Walt dies Waltz the guy who knows what he's what He was planning he's on his death bed And he's talking to his brother and he Says please promise me that you will Build Epcot and he said okay yes I will Walt but no one understood it no one Understood it he was truly Redesigning cities the way everything Worked from traffic to housing to paint To to everything everything When he dies All that goes away because Roy is like I Don't nobody understood that Vision he Only had it we can't do that I no nobody Nobody understood him he was so far Ahead of his time so he dies a year After this is given this power now this

Power Allows Disney to be their own police Everything okay it gives them most Importantly it gives them the power Of no inspections So you want to build a ride There's no delay on that You don't have to wait for County Approval or anything You have to Disney approves it okay and They have that because Walt was so Trusted and the brand was so strong and Florida was so desperate Well Disney made them the number one Destination but they should not have any Of those rights imagine being Universal Sea World All of the hoops and red tape that you Have to put up with if you want to build A new ride all of the inspections all of The money that goes to the county and The state for all of the lice and for Everything you have to do Disney doesn't have to do that Is that fair at all First of all the reason why they have Those privileges ended in 1966 They have kept those privileges And they've been decent stewards of Their park and the land etc etc but it Has become an unfair Advantage the Minute other Parks started to be built Around Disney Now it's now it's a public-private

Partnership now the state has partnered With Disney and really they they can do Anything they want because it's Completely unfair competition So when uh you know he's arguing with Disney and Disney starts to get involved In politics The santis it wasn't something that was Like uh uh you know vindictive It was like okay really you're gonna Cross into politics you know what I Think you've gotten too big for your Britches And uh let me look into you guys what Kind of special deals do you have DeSantis I don't know if he even knew About the history of the I think it's The Reedy Creek uh Council I don't even Know if he knew the real history before He started looking into it this is Something that should have been dropped A long time ago if you believe in the Free market Um but they're suing him and saying that They deserve that and that's the deal it Was a deal in 1965. For Walt not Roy for Walt I I think you could argue look as a Conservative moving closer to that for All the parks might be a good standard Right like not not just singling out one Correct like giving other Parks the Rights to be a little bit more Innovative and do their own thing as

Well maybe not that entire package they Gave well but like I think lowering red Tape is a great idea in most of these Circumstances but these other places Don't have those rights right and you Can't give just because Disney That I know of hasn't had a lot of People die on the Pirates of the Caribbean yeah they should still have to Go through inspections what about the Racism of the Splashdown ride well the Splash Mountain That's that's the state not being Involved I'll tell you that right now But like because I agree with you here Right I agree that they should not have Special rights But we are kind of kidding ourselves if We think the reason he changed this Policy or attempted to change this Policy on Disney I think he got it Through the legislature he he did but Then they pat before the changeover Happened they passed a bunch of Ridiculous like for the next hundred Years we get to do whatever we want type Of restrictions right it's hard to Follow this stuff exactly and everyone's Kind of giving their own piece of this But the bottom line is Rhonda Santos is Not doing this because he thinks the Special Area is uh unfair on its face it's it's Because of this additional controversy

With the way that they were jumping into Politics you know it when you when you Have something that is so really great And you know it and others don't really Know it and haven't been bringing it up That's why you just want to play nice Yeah play nice you're just like don't Notice me don't notice me and they Weren't playing nice and they thought They held all the cards well you don't Because there's been a lot of Politicians over the years that have Wanted to reverse this this is not the First time people have talked about oh Yeah this is just the first time they Actually got it done So you know it's somebody jumping up Getting in your face and saying really I'll Crush you I'll Crush you And the state saying huh well that's Interesting I I don't have to crush you I I'm just gonna take away all those Favors because right now you created the Political environment So I have the support to change that Right now they've been trying for Decades but everybody liked you and so It could never be changed but now you've Made yourself unlikable and I'm not Holding the dogs at Bay Go ahead take it from them but but If because I think every conservative Was on board with that or most of them Right saying yeah you know what they

They stepped in it and they should have To pay a punishment and he said I can Make them pay a punishment But then they right before this Changeover did something to allow Themselves to have many of these rights For a very long time in the future and If his stance was I will show you my Power and they said it's not going to Work on us And now they're suing If he can't find a way to present this One of the voters as a win it's going to Look bad and it's going to be an anchor Yeah it's going to be bad Um but especially because people don't Understand how unfair the business Practice is of Disney yeah um and that It was this is not something new this Has been argued about for a very long Time and so they think oh he's just Being a bully no he's letting them they Created the situation to where that Could pass Um and it will be a problem because Donald Trump will make it a huge he will Make sure everybody knows oh yeah he'll Make that a huge huge issue