
In a recent video created by BlazeTV, Glenn Beck passionately expresses his frustration and disappointment with Country Music Television (CMT). Titled “Glenn Beck LOSES IT Over WOKE CMT,” the video highlights Beck’s critique of CMT’s failure to reflect the authentic values and principles of country music. In this review, we will dive into the key arguments presented by Beck and explore the broader context surrounding this controversy.

CMT’s Departure From Country Music Values?

Beck commences his critique by addressing the criticism leveled against CMT for not adequately reflecting country music values. Many fans and supporters of the genre feel that CMT has deviated from its roots and has become increasingly focused on promoting a certain ideology rather than celebrating the traditional aspects of country music.

Actions vs. Racism

One of the main points emphasized by Beck is that there is a perception that CMT has labeled actions as racist, which according to him, are not actually racist. He argues that the color of one’s skin should not dictate the interpretation of certain actions, but rather the actions themselves should speak for their intentions. Beck stresses that his concern lies with the actions, not the race of the individuals involved.

Challenging CMT

In a provocative challenge, Beck dares CMT to try these actions in a small town, insinuating that the consequences might be quite different outside the limited scope of social media outrage. He argues that the reactions in small towns, where country music values are deeply ingrained, might offer a stark contrast to what is being championed by the network. Beck believes that actions praised in urban environments might not necessarily resonate with those in more rural settings.

A Warning Against Laws and Kindness

Beck issues a warning against attempting to use laws and kindness against the town he references. He implies that such tactics may not have the intended effect and might even further solidify the town’s resistance to what they perceive as intrusions upon their way of life. The speaker underscores the importance of understanding and respecting the longstanding values and principles deeply cherished by the majority of people who embrace country music.

Race as a Point of Discussion

Interestingly, Beck specifically mentions a “white boy” trying these actions in his town. By incorporating race into the discussion, he challenges the notion that these actions are inherently racist, regardless of the race of the individuals involved. This approach aims to stimulate critical thinking and encourage a deeper examination of actions beyond the surface-level labels attached to them.

Country Music and Values

For many people who passionately embrace country music, it serves as a reflection of their values and principles. Beck asserts that the reason why so many individuals resonate with country music is precisely because it embodies the values they hold dear. Against this backdrop, he accuses CMT of being a joke, suggesting that the network’s departure from these core values has diminished its credibility.

Questioning the Definition of “Country Music”

Beck questions the meaning of “country music” as presented by CMT. He argues that the network’s focus on promoting a specific ideology has blurred the lines between what truly constitutes country music and what is simply an agenda-driven message. This sentiment aligns with the frustration expressed by many fans of the genre who feel their beloved music is being watered down or misrepresented.

BlazeTV and the Controversy

As a media platform, BlazeTV provides a platform for individuals like Glenn Beck to express their perspectives and engage in heated discussions around specific topics. The video reviewed in this article is a prime example of the provocative content typically found on BlazeTV, seeking to challenge and provoke critical thinking among its audience.


In “Glenn Beck LOSES IT Over WOKE CMT,” Beck strongly criticizes CMT’s alleged departure from the authentic values and principles associated with country music. Beck’s arguments question the understanding of racism, challenge the ideologically-driven nature of CMT, and call for a deeper examination of actions beyond race. While this controversy continues to divide opinions, it is clear that Beck’s passionate critique aligns with the sentiments of many country music fans who feel their values are not being accurately represented by CMT’s programming.