In a shocking move that is outraged Conservatives across the country Alexandria ocasio-cortez is calling for The complete disregard of a recent Texas Judge's ruling on abortion this Brazen Push to ignore the Constitution and Destroy the very balances that are the Bedrock of our democracy must be stopped At all costs thanks for watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in From my YouTube Ivoryhacker news breaks fast make sure To catch it when it does tap subscribe Enable notifications and never miss a Report before I get to that report there Are 164 million Americans who report Getting poor sleep every night that's Why I've been using this amazing Sleeping pill for a few months and I Absolutely love it seven essential Vitamins and minerals make it a great Alternative to Pills and supplements Reclaim your good night's sleep with 51 Off go to or click more Below the video in the description box And click the link there to get several Free bonuses before their half off sale Ends go to now back to the News at left wing radical ocasio-cortez Has repeatedly shown she has no regard For the rule of law or for the sanctity Of human life her latest call
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To ignore a judge's decision on abortion Is simply the latest in a long line of Attempts to subvert the Constitution and Impose her own radical agenda on the American people It's being reported that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has warned against aoc's Dangerous rhetoric pointing out the Importance of following the rule of law And using the appeals system in place For a reason Meanwhile ocasio-cortez and other Radical leftists have called for President Biden to ignore the Texas Judge's ruling altogether in yet another Attempt to undermine the Constitution Take a look Uh it's hard to ignore the rule of law And we have a court system and an appeal System for a reason so I think the Biden Administration is correct in actually Fighting this in the Supreme Court Whether we win or not in the Supreme Court doesn't mean that's our last Effort we will go state by state to Guarantee reproductive freedom but I Think the national conversation we have To have is this right to privacy when You take away 50 of America's right to Privacy to say women don't have it During the reproductive years it is such An overstretch and an outrageous Statement that I think when people wake Up to the reality of what this means for
A a conservative Court where they believe they should Impose their views of the world on their Religious beliefs their views on Health Care on the fda's decision of 20 years Ago of a drug that has been deemed very Safe you have more likely of being risk Your health from taking Tylenol than Mifepristone that is a fact and so Where we are today is an outrage and Such an overreach by courts that we as People need to fight back we also need To flip the house and we need to codify Roe When reporters asked the White House and The now viral comments from AOC Regarding her wish for the Biden Administration to ignore the federal Judge ruling this is what kjp replied With take a look So this is similar I think to what Terry Was asking me look we understand the Frustration right we get the frustration Regarding this decision absolutely and That's why we were quick to act that's Why you saw doj take action uh we Basically what I said to Terry We Stand By fda's approval of mifa presto and we Are prepared to have a legal a long Legal fight here that is our commitment To women out there that is our Commitment to Americans across the Country but I'll say this you know it is Danger it but as a precedent as a
Dangerous precedent is set for a court To set aside fda's expert judgment Regarding a drug safe safety and Efficiency it would also set a dangerous Precedent for this Administration to Disregard right a binding decision so That's what I'm getting to but again we Are ready to fight this is going to be a Long fight we understand this we stand By fda's approval of me for Preston Something this is a pill that's been Around for more than 20 years I believe 22 years it's it's uh it is uh it's been Used in 60 countries uh so of course This is something that we are we approve And we stand by FDA to be clear for People watching at home who are Listening to progressives saying you Know the administration actually has an Enforcement discretion and they could Do this you disagree with that so what I'm saying is there is a process in Place for appealing uh this type of Decision and we will pursue that process Vigorously that's what the American People can count on from the Biden Harris Administration and do everything That we can to Prevail in the courts That's Well it'll take another week for the ban On uh mifepristone to take effect giving Higher courts time to review the Biden Administration's appeal recently the Justice department appealed the case in
The fifth U.S Circuit Court of Appeals After the Texas decision of federal Judge in Washington state issued a Conflicting order that blocked the FDA From restricting access to the pills in Roughly a dozen blue States the Texas Decision conflicts with that ruling Making a supreme court hearing more Likely following the Supreme Court's Decision last June to overturn Roe Versus Wade which allowed red states to Tighten abortion restrictions the Lawsuit to ban the pill was filed Methopristone was approved by the FDA in 2000 over the objections of several Anti-abortion medical associations in His 67-page ruling Cox Eric said that the FDA had failed to Evaluate the psychological or long-term Medical consequences of the pill which The academy at which the agency had Deemed safe and effective The Texas judge's ruling is vital to Protecting life and any attempt to Undermine this decision is a clear Example of the last extreme position on Abortion every life matters and it is Our duty As Americans to protect and Cherish it we cannot allow AOC and her Ilk to bully and intimidate us into Accepting uh their moral morally Reprehensible agenda it is time for us To stand strong with our constitution Our values and our beliefs we must fight
Back against AOC and her radical Comrades and ensure that America Remains The Shining Beacon of Hope and freedom For generations to come the stakes could Not be higher and we must not fail in This fight the future of our nation Depends on it let me know your thoughts Let's continue this conversation in the Comments below for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report you Know there's an epidemic of bad sleep in America an estimated 164 million Americans wake up tossing and turning at Night due to habits such as long work Hours caffeine and stress one study of Over 4 000 adults found that 27 percent Had trouble falling or staying asleep Most nights the problem of poor sleep May be one of the most ignored and Urgent issues of our time now this is a Product I've been using to improve my Sleep I've been using it for a few Months now and I absolutely love it a Great tasting alternative to taking a Handful of supplements on a daily basis This amazing pill contains seven Essential vitamins and minerals Recommended by industry experts after Starting it I've been able to wake up Feeling more energized and clear-headed Keeping my days super productive in General I've been happier and less Fatigued visit by clicking on the More button below this video with the Promo code nnn you can save up to 51 Percent today go to www dot get good now we'll see you at the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network Foreign