FOX News TROLLED LIVE on air 🤣

FOX News TROLLED LIVE on air 🤣


In a world where media platforms play a vital role in shaping public opinion, Fox News has been a prominent player for many years. However, as the landscape of news consumption evolves, so does the perception of traditional news outlets. Recent developments in media consumption have witnessed a shift towards alternative platforms, and Fox News hasn’t been immune to the changing tides. In a hilarious turn of events, a video created by Benny Johnson, titled “FOX News TROLLED LIVE on air,” sheds light on this transition and the ensuing reactions. Let’s dive into the review of this humorous yet thought-provoking video.

Tyrone Explains His Poker Game Incident During a Phone Conversation

The video opens with Tyrone engaged in a phone conversation, narrating a poker game incident to an unidentified person. Although the specifics of the poker game are not revealed, Tyrone’s animated and humorous storytelling style grips the attention of the viewers. His expressive narration sets the tone for what is about to unfold in the subsequent scenes.

Every Tuesday Night, Tyrone and His Friends Gather to Watch Tucker Carlson’s Show

As the video progresses, the audience is introduced to Tyrone’s weekly routine. Every Tuesday night, Tyrone and his friends enthusiastically gather to watch Tucker Carlson’s show. This regular gathering signifies the popularity of the show and the impact it holds on Tyrone and his friends. The mention of this tradition provides context and establishes an emotional connection between the viewers and the characters in the video.

They Used to Watch Him on Fox News But Now Watch Him on Another Platform

Interestingly, Tyrone reveals that they used to watch Tucker Carlson on Fox News, but they have now transitioned to another platform. This revelation, although subtle, highlights the changing landscape of media consumption. The growing popularity of alternative platforms signifies a shift in viewers’ trust and belief in conventional news outlets. Through this simple statement, the video subtly addresses the evolving dynamics of media consumption.

They Believe Tucker Is More Credible Without the Influence of Corporate Media

A key aspect illuminated in the video is Tyrone and his friends’ perception of Tucker Carlson’s credibility. They believe that Tucker shines brighter without the influence of corporate media. This sentiment resonates with a growing section of viewers who, disillusioned with mainstream media, seek alternative voices and perspectives. Tyrone and his friends perceive Tucker’s departure from Fox News as a step towards unbiased reporting.

There Is a Mention of Trying to Get Someone Named Don Back on the Phone

Within the dialogue exchange, a mention is made of trying to get someone named Don back on the phone. This brief reference piques the curiosity of the viewers, leaving them wondering about the significance of Don’s presence or absence in the conversation. Benny Johnson effectively adds this element of mystery to maintain engagement throughout the video.

Mark Dice, Not a Student at Morgan State University, Was Involved in the Poker Game

Another intriguing revelation unfolds as Tyrone mentions Mark Dice’s involvement in the poker game. It is clarified that Mark Dice is not a student at Morgan State University, adding a touch of irony to the situation. This observation serves as a light-hearted jab that subtly addresses the importance of credibility and authenticity in media personalities.

Mark Dice Claims to Be Banned from Fox News for Stating the Truth About Tucker

In a subsequent scene, Mark Dice asserts that he was banned from Fox News for speaking the truth about Tucker Carlson. This claim highlights the tensions and controversies surrounding news outlets, as they grapple with balancing different perspectives and maintaining their reputation. The video cleverly portrays Mark Dice’s ban as a badge of honor, creating a sense of intrigue and curiosity among the viewers.

They Believe Tucker Is Doing an Amazing Job on the New Platform

Throughout the video, Tyrone and his friends consistently express their admiration for Tucker Carlson’s performance on the new platform. Their perception of Tucker’s work reaffirms the belief that alternative platforms allow for more authentic and unbiased reporting. This sentiment resonates with viewers who crave unfiltered news.

The Situation Described Is Seen as Pure Hilarity

As the video nears its conclusion, the situation described by Tyrone is perceived as pure hilarity. The combination of storytelling, relatable characters, and playful banter showcases Benny Johnson’s ability to captivate the viewers by intertwining humor with social commentary. This lightheartedness conveys a powerful message about the evolving media landscape without losing the audience’s attention.


In a world where traditional news outlets hold significant influence, the video “FOX News TROLLED LIVE on air” sheds light on the changing dynamics of media consumption. Through humor, relatable characters, and subtle social commentary, Benny Johnson masterfully captures the evolving perception of news platforms like Fox News in the hearts and minds of viewers. Tyrone and his friends’ transition from a traditional news outlet to an alternative platform speaks volumes about the shift in trust and credibility. If you’re in for a thought-provoking yet humorous experience, this video is an absolute must-watch.

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