Fox News Makes Disgusting Move Against Trump – He Is Banned

Are you ready to dive into a shocking revelation? Prepare yourself, because in this blog post, we will unravel the disturbing decision made by Fox News against none other than Donald Trump. Yes, you read it correctly – he has been banned. Join us as we delve into the details of this jaw-dropping turn of events. Brace yourself, because what you’re about to read may leave you astounded.

Fox News Makes Disgusting Move Against Trump – He Is Banned


In a shocking and disappointing turn of events, Fox News has decided to ban former President Trump from attending the upcoming debate. This decision comes as a surprise to many, given the network’s conservative leanings and its history of supporting Trump. Let us delve deeper into the details and discuss why this move is not only unfair but also detrimental to the democratic process.

Former President Trump’s Absence

One of the most significant aspects of this ban is the absence of former President Trump from the upcoming debate hosted by Fox News. It is worth noting that Trump has a significant lead in the polls and has no reason to subject himself to hours of attacks. As a smart and shrewd politician, he recognizes that attending the debate would only serve as an opportunity for his opponents to attack him and tarnish his reputation.

Fox News Bans Surrogates

In addition to banning Trump himself, Fox News has decided to ban all surrogates who did not meet the threshold to make the debate stage from the spin room after the event. This move is not only vindictive but also goes against the principles of fair play and equal representation. By banning these surrogates, Fox News is effectively silencing voices that do not align with their agenda and preventing different perspectives from being heard.

Fox’s Vindictiveness

The decision by Fox News to ban Trump and his surrogates can be seen as a vindictive move. It raises the question of whether the network is putting personal vendettas and biases ahead of their responsibility to provide fair and unbiased coverage. Alienating their viewers and going against their base could have long-term consequences for Fox News, as trust and credibility are vital in the world of journalism.

Trump’s Decision

Trump announced that he will not be participating in any debates this primary season. Given his omnipresence in the news cycle, participating in debates does not provide Trump any additional platform to voice his policy ideas. Moreover, the debates often devolve into personal attacks on Trump’s character, rather than a substantive discussion of the issues. Therefore, Trump’s decision not to participate is a strategic one aimed at preserving his image and avoiding unnecessary attacks.

Fox News’ Wrong Decision

While Trump’s decision not to attend the debate may be understandable, Fox News’ decision to ban him and his surrogates is a mistake. The network prides itself on being fair and balanced, but this move contradicts that claim. By silencing opposing voices, Fox News is doing a disservice to its fans, viewers, and the American people who deserve to hear multiple perspectives.


In conclusion, Fox News’ decision to ban former President Trump and his surrogates from the upcoming debate is a disturbing and disappointing turn of events. This move goes against the principles of fairness and journalistic integrity. It is essential for media outlets to uphold their responsibilities and ensure that all voices are heard, regardless of personal biases or vendettas. Only through open and honest discussions can we truly have a thriving democracy.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews