It's an interesting week man it's been An interesting week I told you guys and I'm going to reiterate I don't kind of Want to summarize as we get off the Rails I want to summarize some of what We've talked about this week Um Four years now we've told you that it is Imperative that you Support independent broadcasting now There's a reason why We are a part of of networks like the Blaze Um you know as someone who was a regular Contributor to Fox News I I was I was on Fox all the time a lot of people got to Know me through Fox Um and uh I just watched a change happen Even from the outside I watched a change Happen they started bringing in you know Different producers and and I could tell That they wanted certain types of com Content you know I would make Appearances on the shows whether I was In New York or doing remotes or whatever There was different types of content That they wanted that was different than What it had been originally right you Couldn't joke about certain things they Really kind of called you down on that And I don't know if you guys have Figured this out yet or not but I'm not Real good at being filtered I want to be filtered
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I wish I could be filtered but I just Can't stop myself from saying really Dumb things sometimes because to me it Just seems right So Um I do better the older I get I do better But you know they stopped having me on And those were the reasons why because They never knew what I was going to say And I've seen this change in terms of Their content over the years With all the mainstream media so if you Remember a guy like Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson's been on all of the Networks he was on CNN He was on MSNBC You know he ended up on Fox and then on Fox Nation you know Fox Nation was not Doing great at all if you remember when They launched Fox Nation which was their Streaming service their subscription Service There were several people that they had On there that just weren't carrying the Load they just weren't making it a thing So Fox Nation was kind of it was kind of Plummeting and then they added Tucker Carlson today and they put it on there And boom it became a viable source of Information so Tucker single-handedly in My opinion Those on the inside May correct me if I'm wrong although I doubt they will
Tucker Carlson made Fox Nation an actual Viable thing so you take took her off of That and now you have seen this week not Only a market share of more than a Billion dollars just tank in the network But also people just in droves canceling Their Fox Nation subscription so now What's the logical thing that I should Encourage you to do well I should Encourage you to go to Selfishly go to the slash Chad part of It add that on the end of it use promo Code Chad and become a subscriber to Blaze TV now we don't know what's going To happen in the future but I do know That I I am extremely excited about Certain things that I see coming down The pike here at Blaze okay Um it's sort of like Um we are getting our feet underneath us In certain ways in certain areas not That it hasn't been great content all Along but some real entertainment More than just talking ahead Regurgitating the news and our opinions On it but some real entertainment Because as I've stated over and over Again The only way to deal with the insanity Of the leftist progressive ideals Narratives and agendas is to mock it Because you've got to use humor To ridicule the stupidity that's the Only way people are going to see through
It right until that light bulb pops on And you have that aha moment you're not Going to realize the the lunacy that's Being crammed down your throat so we Have to mock it perfect example is our Friends over at Babylon B now Babylon B Has a new book coming out and it is a Babylon B's guide to gender And they reached out to me the other day And they asked me to write an Endorsement of the um of the new book And I'm gonna go ahead and read to you What I wrote for them That should appear in the book okay Here's my endorsement of the Babylon Bees new very humorous book and I I read The advanced copy of it it's insanely Good Uh it says the B strikes again after Reading the Babylon B guide to gender I Was able to not only question the Deception of my own manhood But also gently transition into the Gender fluid they them being we never Knew we could be We suddenly wanted to steal luggage and Win first place not only that we felt Good about it we highly recommend this Fabulous book so that you can become an Us too And uh I just think that when you use Humor like Babylon B has done to to Really mock the insanity I think it does A fantastic job so I'm excited to say
Without revealing too much that I think We're going to see more and more of that Happening here at The Blaze I'm excited about it Kayla are you Excited about it I'm so excited and uh Brandon and and Chris and so many of uh the new people That are going to be here at the Blaze And uh some have been announced some Have not been announced but there's been Some new hires around and I'm just Excited man I'm fired up about it and I Think it's going to be a lot of fun