The city of New York has been in the news for many reasons‚ one of them being the recent surge in crime rates‚ particularly violent crimes. There has been a nationwide outcry against the handling of such cases‚ and the issue has become a political pawn in the hands of many. However‚ few people are qualified to speak about crime and punishment in New York‚ and one of them is former Police Lt. and Navy Officer Steve Rogers. He has years of experience in law enforcement and criminal justice‚ and in this article‚ we explore his views on the topic.
Marine faces criminal charges by Soros-backed DA
Recently‚ a retired Marine who served in Afghanistan was charged with attempted murder after he fired his gun during a confrontation with BLM protesters. The case has gained national attention‚ particularly because the DA who brought the charges is backed by George Soros‚ a billionaire philanthropist with a leftist agenda. Steve Rogers believes that the charges are politically motivated‚ and the Marine is likely to be exonerated.
Liberal narrative of white on black crime questioned
The Marine case also brings to the fore the issue of the liberal narrative of white on black crime. Steve Rogers argues that this narrative is not supported by the facts and is perpetuated by politicians who want to use it as a tool to gain power. He points out that the majority of crimes in New York are committed by Black and Hispanic people‚ and this fact is conveniently swept under the rug by the media and politicians.
Concerns of grand jury being influenced by external pressures
Another issue that Steve Rogers raises is the concern that grand juries are being influenced by external pressures. He argues that in high-profile cases‚ like the Marine case‚ there is a lot of political pressure on prosecutors to secure a conviction‚ even if the evidence is not strong enough. This can lead to a situation where grand juries are swayed by popular opinion rather than the facts presented to them.
Solution to cleaning up NYC: bankrupt the city or elect officials who serve people’s interests
New York City has also been in dire straits due to years of bad governance. Steve Rogers believes that the only way to clean up the city is to either bankrupt it or elect officials who are not beholden to special interests. He argues that the current crop of politicians is more interested in pandering to their base than serving the interests of the people of New York.
Free Talk: OAN’s new social platform for free speech
In the midst of all this‚ OAN‚ or One America News‚ has launched a new social platform called Free Talk. This platform is meant to be a safe space for people to express their opinions without fear of censorship or cancellation. Steve Rogers applauds this initiative‚ saying that free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy and should be protected at all costs.
Full show available on OAN website and app
OAN has also been a leader in providing unbiased news coverage‚ particularly in these politically charged times. The network covers both national and international news and presents it in a factual and straightforward manner. Steve Rogers recommends that people tune in to the network and stay informed about what’s happening in the world. The full show is available on OAN’s website and app.
OAN Live: best way to stay up to date on national and international headlines‚ only $4.99/month
Finally‚ Steve Rogers recommends that people sign up for OAN Live‚ the network’s daily news program. He says that this is the best way to stay up to date on the latest national and international headlines. The subscription is only $4.99/month and is well worth the investment.
In conclusion‚ Steve Rogers has a lot to say about crime and punishment in New York‚ and his views are grounded in years of experience in law enforcement and criminal justice. He provides a refreshing perspective on the issues that are currently plaguing the city‚ and his solutions are practical and realistic. Additionally‚ he praises the initiatives taken by OAN‚ particularly Free Talk and OAN Live. By staying informed and engaging in free speech‚ we can all make a difference in the world.