Foreign Money Fueling Biden Empire!

As the political dust settles after the latest U.S. presidential election the medias magnifying glass has shifted to scrutinize the financial ties of President Biden and his family. Reports of foreign money fueling the Biden empire have sparked controversy and distrust amongst the public. In this blog post we will explore the allegations and investigate the truth behind the headlines. Stay tuned to discover what the facts reveal about this pressing matter.


The world of politics is one where power and money are constantly intertwined. However when that money comes from foreign sources it can lead to scandal and corruption. In recent years the Biden family has come under fire for allegedly hiding over $10 million in payments from foreign nationals. These deals were linked to Romania China and Ukraine and the familys corruption began while Joe Biden was Vice President. The shocking extent of this corruption is now being uncovered thanks to the House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee.

How the Biden Family Profited Through a Complex Web of Privately-Held Companies:

The Biden familys corruption was not a simple matter of accepting bribes or laundering money. Rather they profited through a complex web of privately-held companies which made it difficult to track the money or prove any wrongdoing. These companies were often set up in countries with lax financial regulations such as Romania and China.

One example of this is Hunter Bidens involvement with an investment firm called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) which was set up in China in 201. Hunter sat on the board of directors despite having no prior experience in international finance. A few months later Vice President Biden visited China on official business. The timing raised eyebrows especially since the Chinese government had just granted BHR a $1.5 billion investment deal.

The House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee Exposes the Scandal:

The House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee launched an investigation into the Biden familys foreign dealings in 2020. Chairman James Comer revealed the extent of the illicit dealings which included Hunter Biden receiving a diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon and a loan from a shady Romanian businessman. The Committee found that the Biden family had significant and complex financial arrangements with foreign nationals across the globe.

More Detailed Analysis Available Through Link in Bio:

If you want to dive deeper into the scandal surrounding the Biden familys foreign dealings there are many sources available online. The New York Post in particular has published several articles about the topic including one that exposed a trove of emails from Hunter Bidens laptop. These emails allegedly showed Hunter using his fathers influence to secure deals with foreign businesses.


  1. What was the involvement of Joe Biden in the corruption scandal?
    Answer: Although Joe Biden has not been directly implicated in the corruption scandal his role as Vice President at the time makes it difficult to deny that he was aware of the foreign deals being made by his family.

  2. Are the allegations against the Biden family proven or just rumors?
    Answer: The allegations against the Biden family are based on a variety of sources including emails financial records and testimony from witnesses. Some of these allegations have been corroborated while others are still being investigated.

  3. Why did the Biden family choose to use private companies to hide their foreign dealings?
    Answer: Private companies are often used to shield financial transactions from public scrutiny. By setting up a complex web of companies the Biden family could make it difficult for investigators to follow the money trail.

  4. What is the impact of the Biden family corruption scandal on American politics?
    Answer: The Biden family corruption scandal has been a major controversy in American politics particularly during the 2020 election. It has raised questions about the ethics of the Biden family and their suitability for public office.

  5. What is being done to investigate the Biden familys foreign dealings?
    Answer: The House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee launched an investigation into the Biden familys foreign dealings in 2020. However the extent of further developments in the case remains unclear.