Ford is Gay Now? 👀

Ford is Gay Now? 👀


Have you heard about the latest controversy surrounding the iconic blue-collar truck brand Ford? A video from BlazeTV featuring Allie Beth Stuckey reacting to a Ford truck commercial has caused quite a stir on social media platforms. The commercial shows a Ford truck sporting an LGBT flag which has not gone down well with many people. In this article well take a closer look at Stuckeys criticism of the commercial and the wider implications it holds for corporate and social politics.

Stuckeys criticisms of the commercial

In the video Stuckey laments the promotion of the LGBT flag on a blue-collar product like Ford trucks. She argues that such promotions are an infiltration of ideology into every corporation and institution. According to her this is a problem because it shows that corporations are increasingly more interested in pandering to the woke social justice warrior (SJW) agenda than their core customers. Stuckey believes that Fords decision to push the LGBT flag on its product shows that the company values social movements over its primary function of providing quality vehicles.

Stuckey goes further to question if promotion and endorsement of the LGBT flag on Ford trucks is something our Founders would have supported. She argues that their values would not have allowed such a promotion and would have rejected it. Stuckey asserts that it is disheartening for the brand to adopt progressive ideals that devalue traditional views and conservative values.

Implications for Corporate and social politics

The BlazeTV video featuring Stuckeys commentary raises important questions about the relationship between brands and social movements from a corporate and social perspective. The engagement of corporations in social ideations has brought up significant controversy over the years as issues of diversity inclusion and equity become key concerns for businesses.

By pursuing a more visible social agenda companies risk alienating perhaps an even broader swath of the population. Some agree with Fords stance and promotion of the LGBT flag on their truck while others argue that is a disingenuous shift towards becoming woke.

The problem is that companies could stand to lose more money by pursuing a more visible social media agenda than they stand to gain. An example of this is Nikes controversial endorsement of Colin Kaepernick. Nikes determination to pursue controversial social movements quickly led to a nationwide boycott. Ultimately Nikes decision alienated a significant number of consumers who believe that patriotism and supporting the flag over the National Anthem are essential.


In conclusion Ford is gay now which has sparked a lot of controversy. The BlazeTV video featuring Allie Beth Stuckey criticizing the promotion of the LGBT flag on a blue-collar product such as Ford trucks has raised significant concerns about the relationship between brands and social movements. Although it is well-intentioned to push a strong social agenda as a company there are potential downsides to doing so which businesses should be aware of. Any brand needs to engage customers with products/functionality that customers require and appreciate rather than forcing customers to agree with the brands ideology.