Father goes VIRAL for Protecting Girls’ Sports


While gender equality has come a long way there are still some areas where women face challenges daily. One of these areas is sports. Many women have fought hard to have the opportunity to compete and excel in sports. The hard work of these women has resulted in more opportunities for young girls to participate in organized sports. However a recent video by Benny Johnson has put sports equality back in the spotlight. In the video Benny discusses his parenting style particularly when it comes to his daughters sports. Benny says that he doesnt allow his daughter to compete against boys in soccer. His decision has caused a significant stir on social media sparking debates and discussions around the topic.

Protecting Girls Sports

Benny Johnsons decision has received a lot of attention but its not the first time that the issue of girls playing against boys or competing in sports has been discussed. Some argue that girls should be allowed to play against boys in sports and that separating sports teams by gender is discriminatory. On the other hand some parents like Benny feel that allowing girls to play against boys is unfair unsafe and ultimately harmful to girls sports.

Bennys decision to not allow his daughter to play against boys is rooted in his belief that girls and boys should be treated equally and no one gender should have an inherent advantage over the other. He strongly believes that girls need to be given opportunities to compete in female-only sports teams to have a fair chance to excel.

Why Girls Need Female-Only Sports Teams

Bennys views are widely supported and research has shown that girls benefit from having female-only sports teams. Here are some reasons why girls need female-only sports teams:

  1. Level the playing field: Girls have a physiological disadvantage when it comes to competing against boys. On average boys have more muscle mass bone density and physical strength than girls. Playing against boys can be dangerous for girls and expose them to unnecessary risks.

  2. Build confidence: Girls who compete in female-only sports teams tend to have higher levels of self-esteem and confidence. They are more likely to develop a positive body image and feel empowered.

  3. Provide better coaching and mentorship: Having female coaches and mentors can positively impact girls. They are more likely to receive guidance and support that is tailored to their needs and experiences.

Parents Fighting for Their Children and Communities

Bennys decision has sparked a debate around girls sports but ultimately its about parents fighting to protect their children and communities. The thought of their daughters being injured while playing against boys is enough for parents to want to support female-only sports teams.

Parents are also concerned about the impact that playing against boys could have on their daughters mental and emotional health. Girls already face a lot of pressure in todays society and adding the pressure of competing against boys is only going to increase their stress levels.

The American People Standing Up for Their Rights

Bennys video has caught the attention of people across America sparking discussions around gender equality in sports. The American people are standing up for their rights and its time to take action to protect female-only sports teams. One way to take action is to get involved in sports programs that prioritize female-only teams. Another way is to lobby for laws and regulations that protect girls sports.


The discussion around girls sports is an important one and Benny Johnsons decision has added fuel to the debate. While opinions May differ research has shown that girls benefit from having female-only sports teams. Parents will always fight to protect their children and communities and its time for America to take action to protect girls sports. Benny May have gone viral for protecting girls sports but its up to all of us to ensure that girls have equal opportunities in sports. Lets stand up for our daughters sisters and granddaughters to ensure they have the chance to excel in sports and build healthy confidence and self-esteem.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews