Explosive Evidence Set to Rock Biden Administration, Prepare for the Unexpected!

Prepare for the unexpected as the GOP Plans to unleash a shocking Revelation About the Biden family explosive Evidence from the house oversight Committee could shake the very Foundation of the Biden Administration What does the committee have on Joe Biden and his family will this Scandal Prove to be their undoing stay tuned for An explosive Wednesday press conference That will surely have the nation on edge Stay informed tap subscribe below and Enable notifications for the latest Breaking news updates In a major development house oversight Committee chair James Comer has promised To unveil explosive evidence that could Deeply impact President Joe Biden and His family Comer sent a message the Department of Justice urging them to Delay any indictment of Hunter Biden Until the committee reveals the findings Of their investigation scheduled for Wednesday the committee's press Conference is expected to disclose Details of pay for play schemes and Complex LLC webs involving the Biden Family and according to Comer The committee has been meticulously Examining Bank documents meeting with Former Associates and speaking with Whistleblowers in a recent interview With Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning Futures Comer emphasized the committee's

Message is clear to the doj Do Not Indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday Watch My message to the Department of Justice Is very loud and clear do not indict Hunter Biden before Wednesday when you Have the opportunity to see the evidence That the house oversight committee will Produce with respect to the web of llc's With respect to the number of Adversarial countries that this family Influence peddled in this is not just About the president's son this is about The entire Biden family including the President of the United States so we Believe there are a whole lot of Accounts that the IRS and the doj don't Know about because we don't believe They've done a whole lot of digging in This and we have we spent the past Hundred days pouring over Bank documents I've used subpoena power to get these Bank documents we've been meeting with The former Associates of the bidens in Their different influence peddling Schemes we've been meeting with Whistlebars we know we exactly what this Family was doing and by all accounts From the the media reports that we're Getting what they're looking at charging Hunter bidenone is a is a slap on the Wrist it's a drop in the bucket so Wednesday will be a very big day for the American people in getting the facts

Presented to them so that they can know The truth and then the Department of Justice can finally do what they should Have done years ago What Well obviously the president's Sons Committed many crime many crimes I mean You're you're looking at potential money Laundering Jonathan Turley comes on Fox All the time and talks about uh he was Essentially a foreign agent for Countries like China uh he's an Unretchered foreign agent you know There's those are serious crimes you've Got the possible racketeering I mean the List goes on and on and on and again Maria it's not just the president's son And we don't believe these countries Were paying the Biden family for nothing We believe they were getting a return on Their investment and the return on Investment would have been policy Decisions for then Vice President Joe Biden and current President Joe Biden Comer stated they have the evidence they Plan to present and it will shed light On the intricate web of llc's connected To the Biden family and their dealings With various adversarial countries this Investigation goes beyond just the President's son it implicates the entire Biden family in including President Joe Biden himself Comer believes the IRS and Doj have not conducted thorough

Investigations and that the committee's Findings will reveal critical Information unknown to these agencies The allegations currently considered by The doj for Hunter bite including taxes And a gun charge are seen by calmer as a Drop in the bucket compared to the Larger issues at hand once charges are Filed it becomes increasingly difficult To uncover and address more significant Concerns as individuals involved May be Less likely to cooperate due to ongoing Investigations The GOP is planning a press conference For Wednesday to share some of the Information they've uncovered Comer Suggests the evidence points to a far More extensive pay-per-play bribery Scheme the committee has received Testimony from a whistleblower about a Document outlining a bribery scheme Involving policy decisions complete with A detailed description of the alleged Criminal activity and its purpose the Committee is set to present the public All the information they've collected Thus far including bank records various Llc's and numerous transactions Involving the Biden family and foreign Adversaries Comer is suspicious of the coincidental Nature of these dealings and believes That there was an exchange for actions Taken by then Vice President Biden and

Now President Biden the FBI has been Given until May 10 to produce the Document referenced by The Whistleblower In the meantime Comer has subpoenaed the Document quote more and more evidence is Pointing towards Joe Biden that's what He said adding that the committee has Already uncovered a wire transfer over One million dollars to four different Family members of the Biden family Further Revelations are anticipated Including the involvement of additional Family members more countries and Additional llc's and bank accounts when Asked by Maria Bartiromo about a Memorandum of understanding signed by Biden in 201 that allowed Chinese Companies to bypass U.S auditing rules Comer did not confirm it as part of the Whistleblowers claims but noted as Another instance of Biden putting China's interests above America's watch A credible whistleblower yeah The vice president of the United States Was was trying to shake down a foreign National in exchange for for foreign Policy decisions another decision that We've discussed in the past was that Memorandum of understanding that Biden Signed as vice president back in 201. That allowed hundreds of Chinese Companies to trade on U.S exchanges and Not follow any U.S auditing rules that Enabled these companies to enter America

And get huge money raising from U.S Investors was that one of the decisions Well I mean that's another very bad Decision that put China First America Last I mean you you know this Maria I Used to watch you on CNBC all the time I Mean a publicly traded company has to go Through so many compliance requirements So many auditing requirements and and he Just with the struggle of the pin allows The Chinese companies to go in and Bypass all this it puts China and Another competitive advantage over the United States in attracting American Capital I mean this president has has Always put America last in China first And I think the walls are coming in on This family and Wednesday is going to be A big day with respect to As the nation awaits Wednesday's press Conference the anticipation of what Could be revealed about the Biden family Is palpable will this bombshell expose a Massive corruption Scandal and change The course of the bite Administration it Appears the GOP is ready to unveil an Intricate web of Deceit involving the Highest office in the land as the clock Ticks closer to the big reveal the Country holds its breath eager to learn The truth behind the allegations only Time will tell what consequences May Follow for the Biden family and their Alleged web of corruption let's continue

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