EXCUSES: Singh Blames Her Failure on Everyone Else | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 9/21/23

EXCUSES: Singh Blames Her Failure on Everyone Else


In a recent episode of Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen, the show’s host, Chen, dissects and critiques Lilly Singh’s TED Talk where she blames the world for what she perceives as sexist, racist, and unfair views. Chen delves into Singh’s excuses for the cancellation of her late-night show and examines the validity of her claims. Let’s explore the key points of Singh’s talk and Chen’s thoughtful analysis.

Lilly Singh’s TED Talk Criticizes the World

Singh gained attention as a YouTuber and became an icon as the first bisexual woman of color to host a late-night show. However, despite the initial excitement surrounding her show, it was ultimately deemed unfunny and failed to captivate audiences. In her TED Talk, Singh criticizes the world for its alleged sexism, racism, and unfairness.

First Season: Backing and Support, but Lackluster Reception

During the first season of her show, Singh received substantial backing and support, yet audiences did not react as positively as anticipated. This lackluster reception raised doubts about Singh’s ability to connect with viewers and maintain their interest.

Second Season: A Disappointing Reception

The second season of Singh’s show did not receive the same level of attention or adoration as the first, leading to its eventual cancellation. Chen astutely examines the reasons behind this decline and dissects Singh’s reasons for failure.

Singh’s TED Talk: Blaming Others for Failure

In her TED Talk, Singh places blame on external factors for the failure of her show, rather than taking personal responsibility. Chen raises valid questions about whether Singh’s analysis is honest or simply an attempt to shift blame onto others.

Instances of Sexism Faced by Singh

Singh shares instances of sexism she faced as the daughter of Indian immigrants, suggesting that the obstacles she encountered contributed to her show’s ultimate downfall. While it is important to acknowledge and address sexism, Chen suggests that Singh’s narrative may not paint the full picture.

Relationship with her Grandfather

Singh recounts her initial struggles with gaining her grandfather’s respect and recognition. While he initially disregarded her accomplishments, Singh claims to have earned his respect through her achievements. However, Chen challenges Singh’s broad statement that everyone, including her grandfather, is inherently sexist.

Criticism of Gender Gap in Forbes List

Another point raised by Singh in her TED Talk is her criticism of the gender gap in the Forbes list for online creators. Chen ponders whether Singh’s feelings of resentment towards being ranked lower than her male counterparts played a role in her perceived failure.


In conclusion, Lilly Singh’s TED Talk attempts to explain the reasons for the failure of her late-night show by blaming the world for its alleged sexism, racism, and unfairness. Chen’s analysis in the episode of Pseudo-Intellectual raises valid questions about the validity of Singh’s excuses and the extent to which external factors truly contributed to her show’s cancellation. It is crucial to critically analyze claims and consider multiple perspectives in order to form a well-rounded understanding.