Ex-Obama Staffer Turned Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s “Kickback” Scheme

Ex-Obama Staffer Turned Whistleblower Exposes Biden's "Kickback" Scheme

Explosive new allegations have emerged Against President Biden and his son Hunter suggesting that the Biden family Was involved in a kickback scheme Involving overseas business dealings While Biden was vice president I want the top news every day hit Subscribe below then turn on those Notifications Before I get to that report you know Mike Lindell he is the my pillow Maven Who can't be stopped while keeping Americans comfortable he fights for the Truth now next News network is bringing You the best sleep ever with my pillow You'll fall asleep faster stay asleep Longer and with the Giza dream sheets That I have on mine with the mattress Topper you will be in heaven use promo Code nnn for up to 66 off at Sleepwithgary.com by tapping more below This video now back to the news There's been a shocking development in The ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden's business dealings Overseas A former Obama administration staffer Mike McCormick has come forward with Explosive allegations against President Biden Claiming that he along with his aide Jake Sullivan participated in a kickback Scheme to enrich the Biden family McCormick has expressed a strong desire

To testify under oath before an Investigating uh grand jury But he alleges that the FBI has ignored His alarms if McCormick's claims are True This could have far-reaching Implications for the Biden Administration We would hope From 2011 to 2017 McCormick worked with Biden and detailed a key dialogue Between the vice president his aide Jake Sullivan and the Press before trip to Kiev to Kiev rather it's pronounced Kiev In Ukrainian to Kiev Ukraine in April That was April of 2014. The New York Post reports that Sullivan Who was currently the White House's National Security adviser outlined Biden's priorities in a transcript from The White House Including U.S investment in the Ukraine Energy sector Hunter Biden then joined The board of barisma just days later Soon after the trip Congress allotted 50 Million dollars to Ukraine's energy Sector Hunter joined the board of the Ukrainian natural gas firm on April 18th Just three days before Biden and his Team traveled to Kiev But that critical piece of the puzzle Was not made public until May 12th According to Fox News watch for yourself So in April 2014 I was an Air Force two

With Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan At the time no one knew that Hunter Biden was already on the board of Barisma Holdings the natural gas Conglomerate from Ukraine Joe Biden is directing Jake Sullivan in The front of the plane what to say to The press my job as a stenographer on The plane is to record what the vice President or senior Administration Official says to the Press so I'm Sitting back there with the tape Recorder Jake Sullivan comes back and somebody Asks him about fracking The his answer is well we're bringing a Lot of American assistance over for Fracking Barismo was the direct Beneficiary of that fracking And that's what I recorded and that's in A White House transcript In the transcript you don't know who Jake Sullivan is it's a senior Registration official I'm the witness That says Shake Sullivan is the guy who Said it And he should be investigated because at The time Hunter Biden was on the board of barisma And Joe Biden is bringing American Taxpayer money to enrich that company Okay so there's a detail I didn't catch There

Um he said Um that he recorded it I didn't catch That that's interesting and I can't wait Till that comes forward and I pray for This guy that is safety honestly Uh the former stenographer has made it Clear he wants to uh present the Information under oath before the grand Jury in Delaware which is currently Investigating Hunter's business dealings The probe is led by U.S attorney David Weiss The Whistleblower says the FBI has Been ignoring him take a look You said the FBI has been ignoring you It's it's no secret right now that People don't have a lot of faith in the FBI would you tell him and what did they Say back to you Well that's that's a great question Ashley Um I came across this story back in October I published in my sub stack my Sub stack is midnight in a laptop of Good and Evil I didn't hear much about it in February I went to the FBI and filed one of their Tips on their website if you do that and You're lying to them you go to jail I'm Not lying I'm telling in truth and I'm Not going to jail Joe Biden is a Criminal he was conducting malfeasance In office to enrich his family Jake Sullivan is a conspirator in that and There's more uh there's more Obama

Officials involved in it I believe So you are willing to go under oath to State that you are certain that this was A kickback scheme that Joe Biden was Orchestrating correct Correct there's a grand jury right now In in Wilmington Delaware they've been Seated for three years with a special Prosecutor named David Weiss if David Wise can't have me in front of his grand Jury explaining what I know as a witness That's a fraudulent grand jury it's a Fraudulent use of the American judicial System to cover for Barack Obama and Joe Biden's crimes in office Yeah it's uh I don't know if it's Considered exculpatory evidence but that Falls into that into that category I Mean um That's uh that's some serious Accusations from this man that should be Considered a Smoking Gun because we've All pretty much understood that this has Happened we've had people talking about It but This guy has credibility you can't deny His credibility and especially if he's Got well he's it's on record number one And if it's recorded You know I mean who who the hell is a Sullivan guy he looks like uh you know Satan's son Federal that's an opinion the federal Government has been investigating Hunter

For suspected tax and foreign lobbying Violations since 2018 after suspicious Activity reports SARS regarding Suspicious foreign transactions were Flagged Hunter's alleged violations were Investigated and there's been 100 you Know they're thinking hundreds it's been Well over a hundred but they think There's more coming in terms of those SARS that's weird because even if one Person gets one SARS there's trouble for That person It's likely the Republican subpoena Power will accelerate the investigation Even though reports have suggested that It is close to a critical juncture in The past months despite Hunters overseas Business deals um Biden consistently Claims he hasn't discussed them with him Pretty much been affirmed that that's a Flat lie these are extremely serious Allegations against President Biden and If true they would represent a grave Violation of the public Trust It's imperative that the investigation The investigating grand jury gives Mike McCormick the opportunity to present his Information under oath and that the FBI Fully investigates all claims made Against the president and his son and His family The Whistleblower knows what's at stake Or he wouldn't be willing to jeopardize His own freedom and he heard that from

His own words Let us know what you think in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw we'll see you next Time Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative Fill then holds its position all night Making it easier for you to fall asleep Quicker and stay asleep longer and Imagine pairing that like I did with the Giza dream sheets and the mattress Topper believe me you'll be in heaven Click on the more button below this Video and visit sleepwithgary.com in Order to learn more if you use the promo Code nnn today you will be able to save Up to 66 off and you'll have a 10-year Warranty included it's sleepwithgary.com That you have been dreaming of about We'll see you at the next report for the

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