The world is reeling after what Elon Musk just revealed about the U.S Government's access to private Twitter User content Bryce yourself for this Explosive report it's not just your Timeline they're keeping tabs on but That's not all musk had to say during This exclusive interview with Tucker Carlson his warning about the dangers of Artificial intelligence was downright Chilling could we be heading towards the Destruction of civilization As We Know It This shocking expose will leave you Wondering if we've gone too far with our Technological advancements it's time to Wake up and take note of these important Revelations I'm Gary franci I want to Keep up with the latest news hit Subscribe and enable your notifications In a bombshell interview with Fox News Tucker Carlson Elon Musk dropped a major Revelation about the U.S government's Access to content from Twitter users Including direct messages most Interviews set to air tonight at 8 pm Eastern but a preview posted on Saturday Has already caused a stir among privacy Advocates and enthusiasts alike during The interview musk also sounded the Alarm about the dangers of artificial Intelligence sparking a debate about the Potential risk of this rapidly advancing Technology and according to mosque Various government agencies had full

Access to everything going on Twitter Including private messages between users When Carlson asked if this included Direct messages musk replied with a Simple yes watch The degree to which various government Agencies had effectively had full access To everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind I was not aware of That would that include people's DMs Uh yes This news has raised serious questions About the legality of government spying On citizens and the level of privacy we Can expect online but that wasn't the Only bombshell most dropped in the Interview he also warned viewers about The potential dangers of artificial Intelligence claiming it could be more Dangerous than mismanaged aircraft Design or bad car production musk argue That AI has the potential however small To cause the destruction of civilization Watch Yeah AI is more dangerous than say mismanaged Aircraft design or production Maintenance or or bad car production in The sense that it is It has the potential however small one Make regard that probability but it is Non-trivial it has the potential of Civilizational Destruction Civilizational destruction

Now this warning from musk is not new He's been an outspoken critic of AI for Years but his latest comments have Reignited the debate about the role of AI in our society and the steps we need To take to ensure its safe development Musk urged policymakers to take the Issue seriously and to regulate AI Technology before it's too late govern Spying on American citizens is a Well-established fact with recent Revelations exposing the existence of Surveillance using Advanced Technologies Like AI the nsa's mass surveillance Program leaked by Edward Snowden in 2013 Collected vast amounts of data on U.S Citizens without probable cause or Warrants raising concerns about the Government's unchecked power AI technology has only increased the Scope of government surveillance Allowing for the development of Predictive policing and facial Recognition technologies that track Individuals more effectively however Without proper oversight these Technologies can be abused to Target Individuals based on their race religion Or political beliefs violating civil Liberties and human rights It's crucial to demand greater Transparency and accountability from Government agencies to prevent such Abuses this poses a significant threat

To our privacy and civil liberties So Elon musk's latest Revelations They've sent shock waves Rippling Through the tech industry and Beyond the Fact that our governments may have Access to our private Twitter DMS is Alarming to say the least but it's not Just the issue of online privacy that Has people worried it's also the Dangerous potential of AI as we continue To delve deeper into the digital age It's imperative that we take these Concerns seriously and start working Together to create a safer and more Secure online environment if we ignore Must warnings we could be inviting a Technological catastrophe that we simply Cannot control it's time to face our Existential Fears Head on and take Action before it's too late let's Continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is

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