I'm a girl who gets facial hair and that Is absolutely okay but I have to shave My face every day so I'm using the EO Sensitive shave cream to protect my skin And get a close shave bikini reveal in Three two one I'm feeling silky smooth and confident Thanks to EOS love ya so let's talk About Dylan Mulvaney again and the first Thing I want to address are those of you Who I see in the comments of these Videos saying things like stop talking About Dylan Mulvaney stop giving him all This attention you guys are the reason Why he's popular this is exactly what he Wants Here's the thing before I ever spoke About Dylan Mulvaney before lives of Tick tock ever shared a Dylan Mulvaney Video before Matt Walsh ever gave his Tirade against Dylan Mulvaney Dylan Mulvaney was already famous Dylan Mulvaney already had tens of millions or At least I think 13 million followers on Places like Tick Tock and Instagram okay It is not up to me or Matt Walsh or Lives of tick tock to make Dylan Mulvaney popular because without us he Has already become more popular than we Will ever be and here's what so many Conservatives don't understand you don't Operate in the same realm as Dylan Mulvini's audience so that's why when Conservative pundits finally picked up
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On who he was it seemed like we were the Ones who were skyrocketing him to fame But that's not what happened okay it was Already Tick-Tock that was boosting him Giving him all these views it was Already all these different brands you Know places like Olay and Nike were Giving him these sponsorships it's it's These people okay including the Biden Administrator Nation who made Dylan Mulvaney famous it wasn't conservative Commentators and no as a conservative Commentator I'm not going to stop Talking about Dylan Mulvaney because Guess what ignoring the culture is Exactly why conservatives always lose so As long as Brands like Ula Henriksen uh Maybelline as long as Bud Light keeps Putting Dylan Mulvaney on a beer can and Therefore making a mockery of women I'm Gonna keep talking about it because Guess what when it comes to the culture War like every other War like every Other battle sticking your head in the Sand and pretending the problem doesn't Exist that doesn't actually help things But on to the main point of this video Ever since the huge backlash against Bud Light for featuring Dylan Mulvaney at One of their beer camps Dylan Mulvaney Has been surprisingly quiet on social Media he's kind of taken a step back From things which honestly I think was a Good thing for everybody Dylan included
Well he is now back and guess what he is Playing the victim because that is Exactly the type of person that Dylan Mulvaney is he's the type to make people Mad by parading around as a caricature Of all the negative stereotypes Surrounding women and then when people Actually say hey this is not okay I Don't like this he could pretend that oh It's just bigotry it's just because Because I'm trans because people hate me It's frustrating but not a surprising Tactic coming from a progressive if I Wanted to go over this video that Dylan Posted to his let's see 10.8 million Followers on Tick Tock the video already Has 6.6 million views at the time that I'm filming this I haven't seen any Other commentators so far make a video About it and therefore you know boosting Dylan but it already somehow has 6.6 Million views uh let's take a look I've Been having crazy Deja Vu because I'm an Adult I'm 26 and throughout childhood I Was called too feminine and over the top And here I am now being called all those Same things but this time it's from Other adults And if they're going to accuse me of Anything it should be that I'm a theater Person and that I'm camp but this is Just my personality and it always has Been to be clear nobody cared that Dylan Mulvaney was too feminine or too over
The top when he was simply living his Life as what he actually is a flamboyant Gay man and there are actually tons of Videos before Dylan transitioned of him Just being gay and feminine and over the Top and I mean no one really said Anything because I think most people Were like okay So what and I think that was actually a Problem for Dylan because those videos Weren't getting a lot of likes and you Know Tim Poole talks about his theory Where Dylan was just kind of trying to Get famous and seeing what stuck and When he started playing around with the Gender stuff that's what got him Attention from Tick Tock algorithm and All these leftists who were like this is So great and you're so brave and so he Just kind of went along with it to get Famous but yeah no Dylan you're not Being criticized because you're too Feminine you can be feminine and a man Gay men have existed in that sphere Publicly for a long time and they Haven't gotten you know a fraction of The negative attention that you've got And what people have a problem with was The idea that you can just co-opt Womanhood for less than a year and get Attention adulation Fame and money like No other woman who's actually a woman Would ever get because trans people are Now at protected class in the United
States so yeah be feminine all you want Dylan that's not the problem here what I'm struggling with most is that I grew up in a conservative family and I'm extremely privileged because they Still love me very much and I grew up in The church and I still have my faith Which I am really trying to hold on to Right now But I've always tried to love everyone You know even the people that make it Really really hard And I think it's okay to be frustrated With someone or confused but what I'm Struggling to understand is the need to Dehumanize and to be cruel I just I Don't think that's right you know Dehumanization has never fixed anything In history ever okay so this is what Frustrated me enough about Dylan's Statement to make this video because This is a very leftist approach that I've noticed you have these leftist Activists who are activists they go out And advocate for these controversial Statements then when they get pushed Back from people who don't support those Things they just say hang on I'm just Trying to be positive I'm just trying to Live my life why are you being so cruel Why are you being so dehumanizing it's Like it's not cruel it's not Dehumanizing to disagree with you and It's not cruel it's not dehumanizing too
Accurately state that Dylan Mulvaney is A man because despite this cheery happy Positive facade that Dylan is putting on I'm just you know this trans person Who's trying to be fun on social media Let's not forget yet the Dylan Mulvaney Is first and foremost I think an Activist okay this is the same man who Sat down with President Joe Biden and Advocated for gender affirming care I.E Mutilating surgeries for children okay This is the thing that's happened so Anyone who wants to say that we're Making too big of a deal over Dylan Mulvaney no okay we are making an Appropriately big deal over Dylan Mulvaney because Dylan Mulvaney is a Terrible person do you have any messages To the families of trans folks that are Seeking you know options for their Children but are struggling to find Resources do you have a message to those Parents it feels like Republicans have Turned trans and non-binary people into This thing to blame society's downfall On in some ways and this narrative is Not only dangerous to our mental health But also our physical safety and Particularly trans women of color are Being murdered at an alarming rate more Than any other group of people thank you How can Democratic leaders be more Effect give in advocating for us trans People and our families and our lives
And our opportunities people are being Rural and dehumanizing till and you're Advocating for the mutilation of Children who are confused and more often Than not Autistic or you know mentally Ill in some way so yeah there's going to Be pushback but that does not mean that You're being dehumanized okay you're Just rightly being criticized and you Don't get to come out for these very Controversial positions and then act as If oh no I'm just about positivity and Self-love and I'm just over here doing My own thing that's not how it works Okay you're the one who's very actively Stuck your foot in this whole debate You're the one who's kind of come out as As a mockery of women for all of these Different brands like this is exactly That Meme that you guys might have seen Online of this feminist who's like Shoveling feces over a wall and then When the feces come back over the wall She's like ah misogyny Dylan any Anything anyone has ever said about you That is negative trust me there's been a Reason for it a reason that you have Given them with your very controversial Platform and anyone who might say well The Biden thing was like a few months Ago which is years in in Internet time So we can't really blame Dylan for that Nowadays he just kind of does his social Media influencer thing uh no Dylan is
Still very much an activist in fact look At this clip that looks pretty recent Because I think it was after his surgery Where he actually says that yeah you Call Dylan a man which is what he is uh That should be illegal like the Articles Written about me using he pronouns and Calling me a man over and over again and I I feel like that should be illegal I I Don't know that's that's just bad Journalists I know there are a lot of People who watch these videos and who Don't agree with the Trans agenda but Who at the same time would never want to Take an individual trans person who's Just trying to live their life and you Know uh put them under harsh criticism Or anything like that because it feels Too personal and some might even say it Feels like bullying but I'm making this Video to assure you that that is not the Case with Dylan Mulvaney okay he is not Just some innocent bystander for this Culture War who is minding his own Business there is a reason why I think a Valid reason why he's getting so much Negative attention and if you ask me That negative attention needs to keep up Okay because there are millions of Children or young adults who are Following Dylan who look up to him Dylan Is making strides in the culture for Trans representation he's taking away Jobs and positions that should go to
Actual women uh whether that's an Influencer campaigns meetings with the President you name it and this is not Okay and if conservatives don't push Back we just keep putting our heads in The sand and pretending it's not Happening then the Overton window is Going to keep shifting toward these People and I don't know about you guys But I don't want that so no Dylan Mulvaney you are not a victim and we are Not going to let up as long as you're Using your platform to advocate for Things like the mutilation of children And for silencing people who acknowledge That you are in fact male that's pretty Much all I have to say for now though And as always if you enjoyed this video Please be sure to like share and Subscribe it helps us out so so much Until next