DeSantis’ Presidential Hopes Take a Hit as Major GOP Donor Changes Course

Florida Governor Rhonda Sands his Streams of becoming the next president Of the United States have been shattered In a shocking twist a prominent GOP Donor has renounced his support for DeSantis likely 2024 White House Campaign leaving the governor scrambling To regain his footing the move is a Major blow to desanta's political Aspirations and has sent shock waves Through the GOP establishment with this Sudden Change in course to Santa's Presidential campaign has hit a major Roadblock leaving many wondering how he Will bounce back join us as we break Down this bombshell development and Explore what it could mean for DeSantis Future in politics I'm Gary franchi I Want you to keep up with the latest news Tap subscribe and enable your Notifications Ronda santis the governor of Florida was Once seen as a rising star in the Republican party and a potential Successor to Donald Trump However his presidential aspirations may Have suffered a major blow as a key GOP Donor the hungarian-born billionaire Thomas peterfee announced his plans to Help that his plans to help Finance DeSantis likely white house campaigner Now on hold The setback as the DeSantis recent woes Which include plummeting poll numbers

Controversial statements on President Trump's indictment and criticism of his Record as governor in this report we Explore why de Santa's presidential Campaign is in Dire Straits and whether He can recover after losing the support Of one of the party's top donors Now it's well known the president the Presidential campaigns require massive Amounts of money and candidates often Rely on the support of wealthy donors to Fund their campaigns DeSantis has Already raised over 110 million but the Majority of it around 80 million is tied To Florida and cannot be used in a Presidential campaign this leaves him at A significant disadvantage compared to Other candidates who have greater access To National fundraising networks one Such candidate is former president Donald Trump who has maintained a broad Base of small money donors across the Country in fact Trump's campaign brought In over 15 million dollars in the last Two weeks alone following his indictment Now this underscores the challenge faced By DeSantis in building a nationwide Fundraising network from scratch even as He Trails Trump by 31 points in recent Polls moreover the withdrawal of the Support of a key GOP donor is a major Blow to DeSantis campaign Peter fee who is a who has an estimated Net worth of 26 billion dollars has long

Been a top Republican donor in 2022 he Gave 7.7 million dollars to individual Republican campaigns and conservative Political action committees that's According to open Secrets however he Recently said that he was keeping his Powder dry on a likely White House run By DeSantis because of the governor's Signing of a six-week abortion ban into Law which he views is too extreme He also expressed his objection to the Governor's decision to ban Adult-oriented books from public schools Now the withdrawal of his support is a Significant setback for DeSantis who Cannot afford to lose the backing of Wealthy donors like him DeSantis is a Wolf in sheep's clothing a bush Supporting neocon who can't survive Without billion dollar donors who he Would then be beholden to while Trump Electrifies small donations Coast to Coast without these donors he will be a Massive Financial disadvantage compared To the former president making nearly Impossible to close the polling Gap it Appears that DeSantis simply does not Have the pull with small money donors That Trump has leaving his presidential Campaign in tatters So it's clear that the Santa's Presidential campaign is hanging by a Threat even though he hasn't announced

His chances of securing the Republican Nomination a pure slim at best without The support of wealthy donors like Thomas peterfee he simply cannot compete With the fundraising power of Donald Trump however all is not lost there's Still time for DeSantis to recover and Rebuild but he will need the support of The Republican base and small money Donors to do so as we approach the 2024 Election it is more important than ever That we support Donald Trump in his bid For the presidency with his broad base Of small money donors he is the only Candidate let's continue the Conversation in the comments below for The next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is Designed to adapt to your individual Sleeping position regardless of whether You're lying on your back your side or Your stomach as a result the Innovative Fill then holds its position all night Making it easier for you to fall asleep

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